Example sentences of "bear in [noun] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ We do have to bear in mind that we need to achieve high standards of training , but we also have to recognise that this does have a cost element , ’ Mr Armitage says .
2 But you have to bear in mind that we are doctors , and as such we should really do what we 're trained to do — and are expected to do . ’
3 Yes , but I mean I know you 've er lived in the area , er so erm , perhaps I should invite Mr Walker or Mr Diffin to make a if you look , wish to bear in mind that we have seen the plans
4 ‘ You have to bear in mind that we are coming off a very low base , ’ said Mr Heather .
5 The general approach adopted by the House of Lords to the weight which should be attached to the views of a child who has sufficient understanding to make an informed decision is clearly of great importance , but it is essential to bear in mind that their Lordships were concerned with the extent of parental rights over the welfare of the child .
6 But one has to bear in mind that it is always possible that you could have other materials for riding and so on .
7 Mm , you 've got to bear in mind that it is actually erm it is n't something you can take for granted , it is something that is a given thing and that er , it can be taken away , that 's the main thing , but
8 It is important to bear in mind that there may be a significant amount of delinquency and crime amongst the middle classes , but we are less likely to be made aware of it .
9 It is important to bear in mind that there is no absolute dualism in the Hebrew religion .
10 Er and that the , the final analysis er in regard to time , was reasonable , because you 've got to bear in mind that there was money attached to that , and if his figures are out , and your bonus effort could be increased by ten to fifteen or even twenty percent you know , then his time was considered by the management to be much too loose .
11 It is important to bear in mind that he/she has a defined social position in the local community , which in turn gives rise to a varying social role in relation to the interviewees .
12 You also need to bear in mind that you may have other payments under existing deeds of covenant or other payments made under Gift Aid in the same tax year , and you will need to have a taxable income at least equal to the gross amount of all these payment , as well as the Gift Aid payment being contemplated , otherwise you will have to account to the Revenue for some tax .
13 May I als also ask her to bear in mind that none of us are in a great hurry to go through again the expense and the dislocation of the relocation of the British Library , and if this land is not made available to the Library , that might happen rather sooner than we wish .
14 In making his decisions about gifts or patronage , a king had to bear in mind that his nobles too had clients , and obligations of their own .
15 We do have to bear in mind that our rent has increased er our own rent to Morgan Estates and so on .
16 In deciding to take no action against the licence , Mr Peter said that he bore in mind that it was due to be renewed shortly when he would want a report on the company 's arrangements in regard to drivers ' hours and records .
17 The other notable exceptions are ‘ ordinary wear and tear , ordinary leakage and breakage , inherent vice of the subject matter insured ’ — although these are normally expressed as specific exclusions on the face of the Policy , it should be borne in mind that we have these defences at law .
18 The outgoing person who has been doing the job should be consulted as part of this , although it should be borne in mind that he or she may have certain prejudices which preclude their giving a totally satisfactory answer .
19 With regard to the inspector 's decision to which you refer , it should be borne in mind that he was concerned with the effect which development would have , and where development would be suitable or unsuitable .
20 He did not register much surprise at this important discovery , but it needs to be borne in mind that he supposed that he had reached islands near the eastern shores of Asia rather than a land mass inaccessible to the descendents of Noah !
21 If this is the case , the changes of the past 30 years may be the first signs of a return to the more traditional population distribution of pre-industrial Britain , but it must also be borne in mind that it takes a very long time to shift major population patterns , and that the present trends may only be a veneer on an underlying and more permanent structure .
22 However , before taking any adverse moral position it should be borne in mind that it is only the existence of such risk takers that allow risk-averse ( such as those described in motives 4 to 5 ) investors to effectively sell the risk of their portfolios or investments .
23 These are questions which history departments must pose for themselves but it should be borne in mind that it is at the end of the key stage that a final assessment will be required .
24 It must be borne in mind that there is a crucial distinction between crisis management and crisis resolution .
25 It should be borne in mind that there are always problems of definition and of classification in compiling figures such as these and also that all the figures for currencies other than the US dollar have had to be converted to dollars and hence depend upon the exchange rate used .
26 However important this is , it ought to be born in mind that what may appear to be the cheapest at the time may not necessarily be the most effective in solving a particular odour problem and consequently not the cheapest in the long term .
27 ( If they sound a little harassed , please bear in mind that they are new to the system and so may take a little longer to respond in the first few weeks of live running . )
28 Further sections of this pattern would then go into subsequent stitch pattern areas , but bear in mind that we do not wish to overflow the memory , while the next section of 88 squares will fill the working memory .
29 Bear in mind that we can keep changing our goals — but unless we have a destination in mind , we are unlikely to set off at all .
30 When it is known that the police may be needed , give them plenty of warning and bear in mind that their shifts change .
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