Example sentences of "amount of [noun sg] [noun sg] was " in BNC.

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1 In April 1990 the amount of income support was not sufficient for people to live on , so the increase to cover the 20 per cent .
2 [ Most of the recommendations were implemented : the Development Council was set up to advise on a ten-year development programme ; a large amount of building work was authorised and a special college opened in Leicester to train youth leaders , whose numbers doubled by 1966 . ]
3 This is because a large amount of lustre pottery was made in the region — so much so that any white-bodied pottery decorated with pink or purple lustre was , and sometimes still is , called Sunderland lustre , whether it was made in Sunderland or not .
4 Allowing the Crown 's appeal , and dismissing the taxpayer 's cross-appeal , Lord Justice Scott said that on a first reading of s 72 it was natural to read subsection ( 4 ) as one of a group of subsections dealing only with cases where the amount of capital distribution was comparatively small .
5 On the other hand an increase in the amount of revenue funding was now being proposed by the RTO , of the order of 10 per cent .
6 In that year a London chemist , Smithson Tennant , burned diamonds and found that carbon dioxide was the end product ; the same amount of carbon dioxide was produced by burning equal weights of diamond and charcoal .
7 They felt that they had a much stronger position than before and that a certain amount of muscle flexing was now unavoidable if they were not to lose face with their supporters .
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