Example sentences of "amount of [noun sg] [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 I mean you ask what it 's like erm being a member of the majority Labour group , being the leader of the City Council , it 's extremely hard work , it 's an enormous responsibility , and on many occasions it 's extremely frustrating because the amount of freedom that the City Council has to decide its policy and decide its spending priorities is reducing all the time .
2 There 's a certain amount of history because the moon is if if the earth is spinning round the moon is going round the water that the moon is attracting will be rushing to catch up a little bit .
3 We were sat in the North Bank ( could n't get tickets for the Leeds end ) , and in the second half we had a good view of the amount of space that the Arsenal forwards were getting , it was unbelievable .
4 This can lead to talk comparing the amount of space and the position of furniture .
5 The abscissa represents the amount of DNA and the ordinate shows the number of nuclei .
6 Tone generators and loudspeakers , however , have to cope with a multitude of frequencies and can not hope to move the same amount of air as the equivalent number of pipes .
7 A problem with the presentation of the foregoing data is to assess the amount of responsibility that the government has for the policies .
8 This significantly reduces the amount of work that the printer will need to undertake and can lead to some genuine cost savings .
9 On erm food and noise , we 're still very , very busy indeed , and our figure for noise inspection is higher than it ever has been before , and the comment that was made under that section will show you that some of that most certainly is the amount of work that the team had to carry out during the summer , one of the benefits of our glorious summer is that most of us slept with our windows fully open for three months or more and one of the dis-benefits was that if anybody else down the road had a party that went beyond normal bed-time , everybody shared that , and our team was very busy in consequence .
10 The amount of silt that the Huanghe brings to the China Sea ( 1.6 × 10 t per year ) represents a 25 per cent increase over the last 30 years and is due mainly to the conversion of grasslands to arable fields ( Smil 1987b ) .
11 The galley is compact , but there is a good amount of stowage and the cook is provided with the luxury of a pizzo ignition , three-burner Force 10 cooker .
12 Now another survey is to be carried out to establish the amount of damage and the expected costs of maintenance .
13 the amount of money that the school receives in comparison with the sum received the previous year .
14 Will he confirm that in every year and for every authority recently in Greater Manchester , the amount of money that the Government have allowed them to spend on capital projects has been way behind what they have needed , with the result that there is now a backlog of repairs and maintenance ?
15 However , we have just had the third record increase in the amount of money that the Government have given to the Arts Council of Great Britain , which is directly responsible for passing on such moneys to the Royal Opera House , the Birmingham Royal Ballet and other companies .
16 ‘ The manning hours at Hartlepool had to be reduced as we are trying to cut the amount of money that the tax payer has to find to run a socially necessary railway .
17 Caterham tends to compete , he says , with the ‘ hot hatches ’ such as the Golf GTI , a huge surprise considering that a Golf has four comfortable seats and can carry a respectable amount of luggage while the Seven arrives at a buyer 's door in several cardboard boxes , has two seats , no doors or luggage space to speak of and , in the words of one reviewer , ‘ is likely to blow your teeth out at much over 80 mph ’ .
18 So let's sum up , I treated a similar case with 5 times the amount of fluid than the article used , the case was solid the next day and was viewed for 3 days and had no greying off and the colour was really good .
19 Mix them with a small amount of water until the colour is even and the paint is of a smooth , creamy consistency .
20 Place the required amount of water and the beans or peas in the pressure cooker .
21 Relatives of people living in care homes can be expected to make up the difference between the amount of benefit and the charges actually levied by by the home .
22 Consumers repaid a substantial amount of debt and the amount of consumer credit outstanding from UK banks was actually less than a year ago , Lord Inchyra , the director-general of the British Bankers ' Association said yesterday .
23 Mr Copeland also worked out what would have happened if a competing firm in the same industry had merely taken on the same amount of debt as the LBO did , without being bought out .
24 Now there are less than 30,000 and those 30,000 are producing the same amount of milk as the higher number did previously .
25 There are two members I think have spoken from the Liberal benches concerning funding bureaucracy and I would agree entirely with what that means but they 've also mentioned in the same bet , budgetary control and if you 're going to control budgets , you have to have a minimal amount of bureaucracy and the function really of the head of the er of the project , er the head of the the post that 's now slipped into oblivion with this motion , would actually have been to do two things it would have been to hold the two groups together and it would have been to have overall control of that budget and it would n't have been easy and I would n't have like the job and I wouldn't 've applied for it and certainly would have been very difficult indeed .
26 Also , if you want to run through the programming and check , remember that this too will take memory to preform , approximately the same amount of memory as the pattern itself is taking , so be very careful to make your calculations before transferring many large pattern sections .
27 Every computer has a finite , or limited , amount of memory and the E6000 console is no exception .
28 In many cases this care can continue with adjustments in the amount of support until the elderly person dies .
29 There is a restriction on the amount of ACT that the company can offset against its corporation tax liability for the period .
30 There 's a huge amount of detail and the technique has got to be perfect otherwise the painting should be an absolute mess .
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