Example sentences of "amount of [noun sg] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 The amount of carbohydrate malabsorbed was estimated by comparing the area under the breath hydrogen curve ( BH 2 AUC ) after the rice flour meal with that after lactulose .
2 Despite this it was found that in all three areas of Wales the amount of land owned was almost the same .
3 Clearly some sensory input is necessary , but this and the amount of thought required are rather small in comparison with the motor response required .
4 Pupils had found that the amount of work involved was more than half an Alevel and felt the exams had not proved credible with employers and higher education institutions .
5 Things remained thus for nearly 80 years , and although it became generally recognised that the genus needed to be split-up into several smaller ones , the amount of work required was such as to make the task an almost-impossible proposition , at least for a single revision .
6 An enormous amount of work has been done and perhaps still more remains to be done in arranging works of art in exact sequence of time .
7 Though a certain amount of work has been done on the history of Africa 's media , there is room for research on a far larger scale .
8 So far only a preliminary amount of work has been carried out in order to assess the restoration work required .
9 Here again , a large amount of work has been done on the analysis of written discourse for students of ESP and EAP ( see , for example , Selinker , Tarone , and Hanzeli 1981 ) , but there is no reason why the same techniques can not be applied more widely to the production and processing of writing of more general interest .
10 The results are of doubtful relevance to clinical settings in which an uncertain — but usually larger — amount of drug has been taken after food and often in association with alcohol and other drugs .
11 ( The cocktail stick is used to ensure that only the amount of colour needed is applied — it is easy to overdo it .
12 Once again an immense amount of credit had been earned by Alec Stewart .
13 If the amount of credit requested is large , the government requests the informals to legalize .
14 But , as you will realise , the amount of money involved is not likely to be very large .
15 The problem appeared particularly acute in those wells which had taken losses during the workovers — those where a large amount of water had been pumped into the well bore and the productive reservoir to keep the wellbore stable .
16 If the amount of water collected is measured in pints and that figure multiplied by 7.5 , the gallonage per hour will be calculated .
17 The considerable amount of water saved was now , in effect , available southward for the Braunston stretch ( itself a summit ) , where there was a perennial water shortage , for this canal continued to carry a large through traffic from the Birmingham area .
18 The amount of principle repaid is constant with each payment .
19 The record of the peace movement in the 1930s has been a favoured weapon in the arsenal of its opponents ever since , and an astonishing amount of nonsense has been talked on the subject .
20 The explosion , on 6 April , contaminated 120 square kilometres of forest near the city of Tomsk , but the Russian Atomic Energy Ministry said that the amount of plutonium released was " negligible " .
21 Secondly , if the objective of the study of Giaffer et al was to ascertain whether a particular form of nitrogen source ( amino acid v whole protein ) had a primary beneficial effect , both formula diets should have been equivalent in carbohydrate and fat composition , and in fact the amount of fat administered was 15 times higher in the polymeric than in the elemental diet .
22 However , argon , being a gas , is at zero concentration when the rock solidifies from the molten state , so the amount of argon produced is measured .
23 His habitual amount of sleep had been five to seven hours a night , with a half-hour siesta in the afternoon .
24 Generally speaking , the amount of sleep lost is not made up for entirely on the recovery nights .
25 Factors such as the amount of exercise required are important , because if the dog does not receive adequate exercise it is likely to become destructive and bored around the house .
26 If your design is in three of four colours , then the amount of memory needed is almost doubled .
27 Using the linked list method , the amount of memory used is much more acceptable , and there is virtually no change in speed for either tree structure .
28 OVER the last year a considerable amount of progress has been carried out on the Ex-GWR 0-6-2T 5637 locomotive .
29 I am not aware of the point that the hon. Gentleman raises but , as he knows , a tremendous amount of support has been made available through the Home Office and other sources to assist members of the ethnic minorities in this country .
30 Because they developed a system of mining , whereby once once it was the the the task had begun to clear the coal face of a certain er a certain area of coal , it did n't matter what what happened during that particular period of time , whether all the machinery broke down , etcetera , etcetera , you had to stop u until that amount of coal had been cleared off , you see .
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