Example sentences of "join the [noun sg] [prep] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Horticulturists appear to have joined the legion of defectors from the practice of assuming that their customers or clients are all dedicated part-time classicists , with comprehensive dictionaries at their elbows .
2 Garmisch-Partenkirchen has joined the lexicon of names familiar to viewers of ‘ Ski Sunday ’ , but its Bavarian charms are just as great whatever the season .
3 No sooner had Mr Mason joined the group of guests than a servant entered to announce the arrival of an old gipsy woman , who was supposed to be a skilled fortune-teller .
4 When Wycliffe returned to the bookshop Dr Franks 's Porsche had joined the line of vehicles down one side of the street and it was raining .
5 In September 1934 the USSR had joined the League of Nations , and six months later they signed a pact with France .
6 In 1540 he transformed the office of Wards , formed in 1503 , into the Court of Wards , to which was joined the office of Liveries in 1542 .
7 GROUPS as diverse as the Royal Fine Art Commission and the National Union of Mineworkers have joined the controversy about plans for a new supermarket .
8 France Telecom has not joined the queue of enterprises seeking privatisation , and its chairman has said that the current statute is quite adequate .
9 A woman who caused a row when she applied for a teaching job under a false identity has now joined the debate over children 's reading .
10 They will soon be working again , when Whoopi joins the cast of Cheers .
11 He joined the Ministry of Munitions in 1914 and three years later was appointed CBE for his outstanding work as a commissioner for the dilution of labour .
12 When the rain had stopped completely Kāli joined the flow of women making their way towards the stream to refill their water containers .
13 A young Carthaginian called Hasdrubal came to Athens about 163 and joined the Academy under Carneades three years later .
14 On 23 December 1648 he joined the committee for proceedings against the king , the first of the Commons committees which laid the groundwork for the king 's trial and execution .
15 In 1908 she joined the Society of Friends .
16 Leaving Mr Singh near the Fort , I jumped out and joined the throng of figures , all dressed in new white homespun .
17 Her heart pounded as she joined the throng of girls in the gloomy yard , all looking most dramatic with their hair loose and their long black robes and witches ' hats .
18 But problems could arise if an exchange adopted a rule at board level but failed to publish it , or if a member joined the exchange after rules bulletins 1 – 50 had been issued , was not then supplied with those bulletins by the exchange , and such bulletins were not readily available on request .
19 After another short chat they joined the exodus of dockers leaving the ship .
20 Spain and Portugal joined the system as observers also on Nov. 27 .
21 Kim Barnes joined the cast in rehearshals .
22 The following morning we were up at 3.00am , accepted slices of bread and jam and joined the line of headtorches walking up the glacier .
23 But the organisers found the Avon water frozen early Sunday morning so this event also joined the list of casualties .
24 Poland had already , in the spring of 1991 , joined the list of countries now considered by the Spanish immigration authorities to enjoy democratic political systems .
25 Turkmenia on Aug. 22 and Tadjikistan on Aug. 25 joined the list of republics declaring sovereignty and the precedence of their constitutions and laws over those of the Soviet Union .
26 Roy was a tough , chunky inside-forward who joined the Palace from neighbours Millwall when we were struggling to make an impact on the 4th Division leadership .
27 They joined the stream of nomes hurrying through a crack in the crumbling corrugated iron and entered the vast , echoing chamber of the shed .
28 Both also joined the League of Nations Union , lecturing widely for it on world peace ; and in 1922 they toured Europe to investigate postwar conditions .
29 Moran was either mowing a new field or tossing the field ahead of them with the tedder but he joined the band of girls under the shade of one of the big beeches when Rose came with the basket and can .
30 Instead of joining the press of bodies that jammed up the aisle towards the crush bar , he took my arm once again and drew me in the opposite direction .
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