Example sentences of "so they can [adv] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ The senator obviously just wants us to drown his children so they ca n't embarrass him when the time comes to run for President , ’ she told me next morning .
2 ‘ These people ca n't sell their homes because of the recession , so they ca n't separate and split their assets .
3 Erm , you 've got that to tend with and erm on top of that erm , you ca n't ware of if you 've got a pass yes , I , you 've then have to er , get , you know , whether though it 'll be going to a and at the moment there suppose to be very , very low so they ca n't do that any more and then you 'll have to , the vet will then do the treatment for the animal , but again you do n't get the vet you 'll only get the training vet 's to do the job and then they reclaim from the R S P C A , so it , no way that they have n't got any funds .
4 Just to illustrate how important this thing is , you 've probably all come across and it really irritates me , you see people interviewing people on television and they 've got their clipboard there and they 've obviously got a prepared question so they ca n't falter and fine , that means they 've prepared it .
5 Then you slide the inner wall across and use it to pin them against the side of the cage so they ca n't move or fight .
6 It 's best to approach an animal with the wind blowing into your face so they ca n't pick up your scent .
7 The boats are designed with weights in the keel so they ca n't capsize .
8 As strawberries ripen , push some straw or plastic sheeting under them so they ca n't rot on the soil .
9 Can I just say then that I think either it 's got to be blocked completely so they ca n't jump over the bridge , or it 's got to be unblocked .
10 It is impossible , in many ways , for somebody who is erm on benefit and living in independent accommodation with a private landlord often it 's impossible for them to get a job and then cover their rent , so they ca n't get a job .
11 They have no money , so they have no accommodation , so they ca n't find a job .
12 This was very common in the past and I 'm sure many shop stewards here who 've dealt with redundancies in the past , know about the poor members who get quite a nice lump sum redundancy , but in fact , they 've only been in pension schemes a short while , so they ca n't provide for themselves in old age , once they 've spent the redundancy money .
13 oh , you know , that 's , that 's it because for thirteen years they have dismantled the social system , that 's what they 've done in thirteen years , so they ca n't say overnight , we 'll put it all back because there is n't , there , there is n't the finance there because they 've spent it all to have done what they 've done
14 That either they have n't been able to think about it very carefully , not looking at the real options , or have n't got an electric point , so they ca n't have an electric shredder , or whatever the appropriate way of dealing with the more sort of shrubby erm waste that they 're likely to have .
15 They do n't have electrical power , so they ca n't use a telegraph . ’
16 No one should be asking them ‘ True or false ? ’ : they fool themselves this way , so they can easily fool us .
17 Some clients might put forward the excuse that there is really nothing that they avoid and so they can not set themselves any homework tasks .
18 The eyes of almost all sharks and rays lack cone cells , so they can not perceive colour .
19 A favourite method of torment sees the bogie leap on its victim 's back as they travel alone at night on a country road , clasping hard hands over the person 's eyes so they can not see .
20 They can not speak the language , so they can not get work and they need help .
21 If people have a bad cold , the nasal cavity gets blocked up and so they can not say the sounds properly .
22 The BMWs slowly roll down the impressive new production line where the team of mechanics eagerly await their arrival — so they can carefully take the cars to pieces .
23 erm Somebody on this morning 's course said that they quite like answering machines , they use them like note pads , and they ring up people they know have got an answering machine so they can just leave a message , they say it 's quicker than writing a letter , and it 's easier than talking to them for hours , you can just ring them up and leave a message on their answering machine like a sort of note pad , which I had n't thought of , but I suppose it 's rather good , is n't it !
24 There were these huge plants in disintegrating tubs , so I said : ‘ We must get concrete blocks and put them round the tubs , so they can just fall apart inside ’ . ’
25 Wilsons , Samuel , Sam Smith 's erm it 's , it 's th you know , it 's they 've all brought each other up now so they can virtually get anything .
26 They 've used all their timber stores and cut up every bucket and table and door to make all those fighting platforms and towers , so they can hardly have plugs for their cannon , and they wo n't have any fuel except dung .
27 Some of them are given diplomas for doing this , so they can then prove how expert they are in disability matters .
28 Some of their potatoes have adapted to cold so they can still grow when their leaves are white with frost .
29 Should things get rough to the point of injury then separate with a clear divider so they can still see each other , but do this only if it absolutely necessary .
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