Example sentences of "so [pers pn] [vb mod] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 In the meantime , I am always obedient to the Whips , so I shall leave it at that .
2 ‘ I trust both of you , so I shall tell you .
3 Her daughter drives out from Bamford once a week but around this time of year she goes to stay with some other relative , I 'm not sure where , so I dare say she is n't there at the moment and you have n't got any immediate neighbours resident .
4 It works really well , so I would urge you to upgrade to Word 2 at your earliest opportunity — it 's well worth the £75 upgrade charge .
5 I sent the cheque back , saying that although it had been immensely good of them to bring me up , I must have been a great burden and was now a disappointment , so I would prefer them to keep this money as some repayment for all they had done .
6 No , but my mum 's coming afterwards so I 'll give it to her then
7 ‘ I 've to go to the bank , ’ he heard Mister Tom say , ‘ so I 'll give you a deposit , like . ’
8 ‘ I can see you 're having trouble talking at present , so I 'll give you a lead .
9 Well , I ai n't one not to be frank , so I 'll tell yer .
10 All right , the little sod 's reminding me of the truth , so I 'll tell it . )
11 ‘ You 're a big girl , now , Lyn , so I 'll tell you that you 're right .
12 But I think you 're probably doing something I 'd sympathize with , so I 'll tell you .
13 ‘ We 're well off the record now , so I 'll tell you something about Jack Scamp . ’
14 I noticed Stuart has n't written up to say what he looks like , so I 'll tell you that he 's a cross between Paul Young and Griff Rhys-Jones .
15 ALTHOUGH I promised you last week that I 'd bring details of the all Ireland Schools teams competition this week , I 'm afraid that I do n't have full details to hand as yet , so I 'll hold it over to next week .
16 ALTHOUGH I promised you last week that I 'd bring details of the all Ireland Schools teams competition this week , I 'm afraid that I do n't have full details to hand as yet , so I 'll hold it over to next week .
17 But Lady Mead will be Charlie 's one day , so I 'll make it , eventually . ’
18 ‘ So … so I 'll send them , shall I ? ’ she asked , holding her breath , bracing herself , waiting for the blunt , ‘ You do that ! ’ the violent , ‘ Go to Hell ! ’ the indifferent dismissal , or , even worse , the continuing silence which meant he had really hung up on her .
19 ‘ You do n't seem to have much hesitation about speaking your mind , whether I want to hear what 's on it or not , so I 'll speak mine for a change .
20 When I told Tom Stephenson this , he said nonsense , so I 'll leave them to fight it out .
21 So I 'll leave you rascals to it .
22 ‘ However , in fairness to him , after we 'd done ‘ The Daleks ’ and it had been so successful , Donald Wilson said to me , ‘ I clearly do n't know anything about this series , and you do , so I 'll leave you alone ’ , which was nice of him . ’
23 Probably sha n't get back this evening , so I 'll leave you to lock up when you 're through . ’
24 So I 'll leave you to find your own way back to the villa .
25 Now , I expect you 'll both want to have a nice cold shower — so I 'll leave you to get on with it , ’ he added , giving them another of his slow , friendly smiles before he , too , made his way back to the larger house .
26 The level seems okay , and pressing ‘ volume ’ I find it 's set to 17 , so I 'll leave it there .
27 I take them to a certain stage , but I tend to find finishing a painting much more difficult than starting it , so I 'll leave it to one side , maybe for a week or more , where I can see it , and as I pass it suddenly something will click .
28 ( Irish counties , provinces and county towns can be a bit confusing , so I 'll spell it out carefully — I was now in Galway City , county town of County Galway .
29 So I 'll see you Monday , then ? ’
30 ‘ Anyway , I 'll call in at The Randolph , so I 'll see you soon . ’
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