Example sentences of "so [pron] have to be " in BNC.

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1 If the race had been over 62 metres then I felt I would have won , but there are no championships at this distance so I had to be content with second place .
2 The lights I work under can get really hot and tend to dry it out so I have to be extra careful .
3 After having amassed around 200 hours on the Corsair since purchasing it in 1982 , the novelty of flying this beast has not diminished : ‘ Today I feel that every flight in the Corsair is as exciting as the first , mainly because with the Corsair you can not afford to be complacent , as the aircraft will sometimes bite back , so I have to be alert all the time while I am flying ’ .
4 He was a radical so she had to be even more radical .
5 only go so high to do a course and she was on an F grade so she had to be taken down .
6 You 've got to bear in mind though that , that , that the scriptures which you can use in the Hebrew context were before the resurrection was possible , so you had to be careful that er , that you do n't bounce because when Jesus came to the earth he changed that though did n't he ?
7 I do take into account that for a lot of people , pop artists are role models so you have to be careful about what you are doing .
8 There is no top ledge as with the T-cut method to hold the bud in position while you bind it in , so you have to be careful how you handle the bass or the elastic band .
9 In practice , it is more difficult , because the effectiveness of advertisements falls off with frequency of exposure in a particular paper , so you have to be very careful that you are comparing like with like .
10 Waters believes local anaesthetics are good for the patient and good for the surgeon : ‘ A conscious patient is , after all , monitoring your every move , so you have to be extra gentle .
11 Many of the more glamorous film and photographic opportunities crop up at short notice , so you have to be flexible .
12 ‘ There are 800 professionals these days , so you have to be fit .
13 So you have to be in charge of directing their responses ? ’
14 No it 's er it 's electric , it 's an electricity sign so you have to be very careful .
15 Cos I 'll be , it 's my party , so you have to be nice to me , cos it 's my party basically , cos I consider it
16 ‘ She 's rather old , so one has to be frightfully careful , but I know you will be .
17 ‘ We stand for what 's good in our country , so we have to be brave and reveal ourselves .
18 ‘ They wo n't want to come here and get whacked again , so we have to be ready , ’ said Souness .
19 It needs to be hot water , so we have to be careful .
20 Trent knew that he was insufficiently important to be the target so there had to be linkage .
21 Most ‘ Oddballs are secretive species , but I wanted something that would be seen so there had to be a midwater swimmer in the selection .
22 These military and familial idealised images of cooperation and conflict , then , break down in the face of current realities so there has to be another metaphor which can both explain and inform behaviour when conflicts or interests arise between management and work force .
23 The £500,000 deal taking David Kerslake to Leeds went through this morning , so there has to be a reshuffle .
24 Purely classical ballets are still popular , so there have to be choreographers who understand and mould the technique .
25 I did not carry out their instructions very well so they had to be very precise in explaining things to me .
26 Ian 's kid sister , who was playing mothers and fathers with her friends in the crawl space under the porch , said it was marvellous , so they had to be content with this infant praise and with taking her and her mud-covered friends for a ride round the block .
27 Through these holes the hot air rose from the kill underneath and roasted the barley , so they had to be clear .
28 Overaccumulation meant there was insufficient labour to keep old plants going , so they had to be scrapped .
29 You allow a week to ten days to distribute them , so they have to be ready on June 15 .
30 Toileting is a reflex , so they have to be taught control through a programme of toilet training .
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