Example sentences of "main [noun] is [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The main stand is a gutted shell and home games have been played at Guisborough while club staff try to thrash out the situation with insurers .
2 It lies on an estate run by the Ital-Reding Foundation , and its main building is the Ital-Reding mansion , built in 1609 , which combines features that are typical of local farmhouse architecture with baroque trends befitting the town houses of families of that era which had " done well " in mercenary service abroad .
3 But leaving this muddle on one side , the main difficulty is the complete lack of any defence of the conclusion .
4 AN ASSOCIATION for all former pupils and staff of St Hugh 's School , Birkenhead , has been established for about four years and its main function is an annual reunion mass held on or near the Feast of St Hugh of Lincoln .
5 Sometimes the client 's main worry is the physical symptoms , and the original stresses which causes those symptoms are no longer an important issue .
6 The main course is a substantial dish of chicken with a creamy coconut sauce accompanied by a baked potato and bowl of crispy veg .
7 But in only 42 of these is the Tory majority less than 4,000 ( there are 11 more where the main challenger is a Liberal Democrat ) .
8 Astron 's main instrument is an ultraviolet telescope developed jointly with the French .
9 as you 'd expect , the big attraction is the nightlife and the main drag is a long procession of bars .
10 Their sunny main bedroom is the perfect home for older pieces of furniture , most of which have been handed down through the generations — Mary Jane 's mother made the tapestry fireguard and her great-grandmother made the beautiful bedspread
11 According to Mr Gorman , one of the main grievances is the minimal redundancy packages given to the 67 Albion workers who were sacked two weeks ago : ‘ We will be pushing the case for adequate recompense for workers who lost their jobs .
12 On the Soviet side , the main figure is a young economist , Grigori Yavlinsky , who has no formal job in the Soviet government but was the originator of the ‘ Shatalin plan ’ for radical economic change .
13 These characteristics lead to a generally well-controlled and efficient method of production , whose main disadvantage is the time-delay caused by the queueing effect of individual units waiting for the batch to be completed before moving on to the next operation .
14 Also the main passage is a minor water course , but in rain like this it tends to swell .
15 Adding to the splendour of the Main Hall is a temporary display of platinum jewellery , made by students and graduates of Edinburgh College of Art .
16 Among the committee 's main concerns is the growing cost of police perks and salaries .
17 Apart from the HMV shop in Oxford Street , London ( 1939 ) , and the temporary Soleil pavilion at the Paris 1937 exhibition , Emberton 's other main work is the circular casino at the Blackpool Pleasure Beach , Lancashire ( 1939 ) , where he had already designed the fun house and grand national ( 1935 ) , showing the adaptability of modernism to popular entertainment .
18 The predominant conventions of the adventure story , the victory of good over evil and the happy ending , have led to a subtle demotion of the genre from the highest ranks of literature on the grounds that its main aim is a contrived entertainment ; for experience suggests , often though not invariably , that the challenge of adventure is more likely to meet with disaster and defeat than survival and triumph .
19 One is a track side scene : five white runners and two black limbering up , shrugging shoulders , stretching legs and trying desperately to loosen up in an intensifying ambience ; sitting on the grass some way away from the main group is a black guy awaiting his call to marks ; while the others shuffle about nervously , he remains casually sitting , seemingly unoccupied with the imminent race as he nonchalantly sharpens the spikes of his running shoes with a nail file .
20 The main sail is a vast kite folded and packed in a tube like a gun barrel on the ship 's deck .
21 One of Mike 's main responsibilities is the five-year rolling environmental improvement plan and it is this that dictates much of his workload .
22 The main procedure is a written one .
23 Th the , one of the main principles is a comprehensive clarification and rationalisation of child care law , probably the biggest we 're gon na get this century , and basic principles , as Councillor is that parental responsibility can not be lost through the process of law .
24 The town 's main attraction is a thermal lake ( one of the largest such lakes in the world ) which as well as being therapeutic is delightful to swim in .
25 The main attraction is the celebrated garden ,
26 But her main inspiration is the post-revolutionary school of constructivist art .
27 The main sculpture is a small scarecrow made of canvas stuffed with dried leaves .
28 The main blot is the increasing number of caravan sites which spoil the views from Lyme Regis in the west to Abbotsbury in the east .
29 Its main gripe is the high level of tariffs on manufactured imports , still among the highest of the 24 rich countries in the OECD .
30 One of their main features is the heavy betting , often into four figures .
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