Example sentences of "all [art] more [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 It was the nature of the place , he thought , perched up there on its remote peak , its back turned to the world , all the more obsessed with its petty intrigues and scandals because it knew them to be of no interest whatever to anyone else .
2 This parallel and overlapping protection is all the more relevant in the computer industry .
3 Five of his friends thought the article referred to him — an identification made all the more far-fetched by the fact that the fictitious character was described as a Peckham Church Warden .
4 The Quartets are all the more impressive for having this political dimension worked into them , yet still subordinated beneath the religious scheme .
5 Last week 's starter with Heinz Wolff ( ITV , 13 March ) was all the more impressive for getting off to such a terrible start with the tortuous answer that interviewer Ian Fells elicited to his opener about the meaning of biomedical engineering .
6 It was a warning all the more impressive for being delivered by an old soldier .
7 Faustina looked up from her saucer , her dark face made all the more reproachful by its beard of milk .
8 What made the victory all the more memorable for the 21-year-old was that he beat three-times champion and Chelmsford AC clubmate Dave Tullett , who was closing fast down the back straight .
9 This disappointment was all the more galling for the fact that the prime minister and eight other cabinet ministers had been his colleagues in the UDC ; and , unmollified by nomination for the Nobel peace prize , Morel became almost as bitter a critic of the Ramsay MacDonald government as of its predecessors .
10 The incident was made all the more galling by the fact that neither climber had broken an axe of crampon in 27 years of combined mountaineering experience !
11 Their presence was all the more sinister amidst the approaching thunder of anticlericalism .
12 Furthermore , Kemp 's absence that afternoon would mean that this other person — yes , Downes — would be all the more committed to staying with the tourists for the scheduled ‘ informal get-together ’ .
13 Education is a long-term investment — and all the more crucial for being so .
14 I had noticed it too , and I was all the more pleased with the prospect of doing something in what was coming to be my other sphere of interest , namely , literature and especially poetry .
15 Ruth wore Mrs Carson 's lavender cast-off with her one and only bonnet , and was therefore all the more pleased by Sean 's appreciative look as his glance took in her appearance from top to toe .
16 And if the scientists felt that they could speak with certainty , how much more so the lesser publicists and ideologists who were all the more certain of the experts ' certainties , because they could understand most of what the experts said , at least in so far as it could still be said without the use of higher mathematics .
17 As dialect , it is all the more vulnerable to disintegration and collapse .
18 Tribesmen might indeed be benighted savages , but they could still stir the liberal conscience — especially when their very primitiveness and simplicity made them all the more vulnerable to exploitation by unscrupulous Europeans .
19 Tender young plants as yet , and all the more vulnerable to sudden blasts of cold .
20 Her near nervous breakdown , which took her to the brink of giving up all she had worked for in showbusiness , was all the more surprising to outsiders given it happened in her native Australia .
21 This is all the more surprising in view of the fact that the northern king , Aldfrith , was now confined largely north of the Humber , the Northumbrians preoccupied with their own problems of reconstruction following the Pictish victory at Nechtanesmere in 685 and seemingly unable even to take possession of Lindsey again .
22 The appointment was all the more surprising within the Colonial Service where , contrary to common precedent , Macpherson had never been tried out as ‘ officer administering the government ’ ( OAG ) ; but those who had known him in Lagos a decade earlier at once recognized that they were getting the outstanding man of the Service .
23 It was a very sunny day and it was made all the more complete by Albert being on duty on the return journey .
24 This difference is all the more complete in that different rights in the same thing or place may be and usually are held by different people or different groups of people in those societies .
25 Dent 's comment at the time when that Act was still before Parliament as a bill has a curious irony to it , which will become all the more apparent from the discussion which ensues later :
26 But when the church has spoken in these terms , saying in effect that women should not be discriminated against in the world , it becomes all the more problematical for it to appear suddenly to turn around and declare that women may not be ordained in the church !
27 But it is important to bear in mind that as one advances in life one 's pleasures and activities particularly do become more limited , and any substantial impairment in the limited amount of activity and movement which a person can undertake , in my view , becomes all the more serious on that account .
28 In that it may prove all the more digestible to the popular audience , which might otherwise read about self defence against robots , it may be all the more valuable for that .
29 So , of course , I 'm all the more grateful to Edouard . ’
30 So if , as seems likely , we have to wait a long time for a follow up to the triumphant Glyndebourne production , we should be all the more grateful for occasions like the Royal Liverpool Philharmonic Orchestra 's concert performance ( sponsored by English Estates ) .
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