Example sentences of "fall on to the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In the middle of her outbursts , she noticed that the paperweight had fallen on to the desk , badly marking the surface .
2 Rocks had fallen on to the road , cutting off the way forward .
3 The purple book , which had fallen on to the floor during the night , jogged his memory .
4 But I 've fallen on to the floor often enough to know how to get up .
5 He did not speak in the room , allowing his clothes to fall on to the floor in the darkness , waiting for some stir or sign from Rose , but the only sound in the room was the brushing of his own clothes falling in the darkness .
6 Hugo was smoking a thin cigarette through a long cloisonné holder which he now began to wave about , causing highly aromatic ash to fall on to the sleeve of his green velvet jacket .
7 The whole column proceeded to fall on to the ground .
8 The silence that enclosed me made me feel the world had come to an end , that the trees had not yet been informed but soon would be , and would fall on to the stone and thorn , the heather and the fern , skeletons to be picked over , not by vultures but by time .
9 Frau Nordern heaved up her brief-case and let it fall on to the desk with a satisfying , rather official thud .
10 Swarf smiled in triumph , letting the body fall on to the ground .
11 Before the strip cools , take the candle and tip it so that a drop of wax falls on to the strip and spreads out around the hole .
12 The operation of the wheel is unusual , being a variation on the overshot type in which water falls on to the top of the wheel and turns it in the same direction as the water 's flow .
13 The nozzle of the big cleaner appears , it keeps coming until it falls on to the furniture and other junk piled against the wall .
14 Delia Sutherland fell on to the cream leather sofa with her arms stretched across the back of it , her legs stiff in front of her , laughing uncontrollably .
15 I could not speak nor breathe , and fell on to the sofa .
16 The cartridges on the back seat fell on to the floor .
17 Then the fingers began to move and the piano got louder and stopped with a final note as the hand fell on to the floor .
18 Some of the white substance fell on to the floor .
19 The Time Lord fell on to the floor and the pain ceased .
20 He braked hard and managed to stop before impact , but the woman fell on to the road in front of his car .
21 In 1975 , he fell on to the dole queue .
22 I had arranged to meet Howard Imber , the writer , for a script conference over dinner at 8 , and fell on to the bed intending to rest for ten minutes before reading through the thick camera script .
23 Drops of blood fell on to the chicken .
24 The first wagon fell on to the wreckage and so the premonition ended .
25 Phil was putting the last bow on the church gates when he fell on to the 6ft railings .
26 Suddenly there was a terrible crash of thunder , and the branch of a tree fell on to the roof .
27 Just then the girl dropped her cloak , and her long hair fell on to the shoulders of her red jacket .
28 Carolyn could hear the hissing of the sand as it fell on to the plastic and then , when it had covered the bottom of the carton , the way it fell almost silently , with a whisper of its former sound .
29 He stumbled then fell on to the track , his scream silenced abruptly as he disappeared beneath the screeching wheels .
30 Suddenly she heard the sound of an approaching car on the road running alongside the promenade , and as its headlights shone on them , she tried to pull away , turning her head so that his kisses fell on to the side of her face and down on to her shoulder .
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