Example sentences of "kind of [noun] [conj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We picked two poems on which it 's very easy for me to answer that kind of question because of course I did go back to the town where I was born , and erm wrote actually quite a lot of poems — well a lot , a lot for me would be four or five in that situation — of which this is probably the most successful and this one I 've put in a book .
2 The nature of this particular kind of identification and of the differences between the two versions can be illustrated even in the formally constructed prayerful episodes .
3 It was , of course , the purchasers business to employ a surveyor , whether a house or a boat was in question , and Pinkie would not be offering Dreadnought with any kind of guarantee as to soundness , only , after all , as to quaintness .
4 The important point emerges from the fact that in the first and third sentences we are dealing with a certain kind of disparity and in the second with the possibility of a disparity ( albeit one that is denied ) .
5 If you compare The Smiths with the previous Great White Hopes of preceding eras , it 's clear that the rebellion of the Stones , Who , Pistols , jam , was based in some kind of activism or at least action , an optimism about the potential of collective or individual agency .
6 However , given the right kind of motivation and with proper training we feel that anyone can become a fully qualified Hawaiian Tropic Tanning Researcher .
7 and then gradually try and re do n't , do n't spend too much time trying to reconstruct the past because that , you know , you just get further and further behind with the present stuff so you know kind of try and at least make sure that , you know , maybe if you get a job you wo n't be able to go to all the classes but at least make sure you , you are in contact with somebody who has that you can get notes off every time , you know , that erm oh hello
8 Here he encountered Charles I 's young daughter Elizabeth [ q.v. ] , to whom he seems to have been some kind of chaplain and with whose virtues he was much taken .
9 These are made in the same kind of way but for each pattern shape you work on the same set of needles as if you were turning the heel of a sock .
10 So , it 's no good er me looking up in some book Theresa 's dreams if I could decipher it like some kind of code in which every single thing in the laten in the manifest content represented something latent for what we 're trying to then kind of decode as in a code book because er that 's not valid , at least it 's not valid in general terms .
11 In their prospective study of 400 working-class women with children in North London , Brown and his colleagues ( 1987 ) found a threefold increased risk of depression to follow severe events which arose from a long-standing social difficulty compared to women experiencing the same kind of event but without such a prior history .
12 In relation to " normality " they form a kind of triangle as in the - , 0 , + scheme of my Introduction .
13 ‘ The difficulty , if not danger … of attempting to state the conditions which must be fulfilled before a given kind of conduct or of unfairness amounts to an invalidating cause is greatly increased by the introduction of the consideration that the equity must be such as ought to prevail against the claims of the creditor as a possibly innocent third party .
14 She had the same manner as George , a sad kind of demeanour that on a woman was attractive while on a man like George it was annoying .
15 Aunt Nessy had been one of those children who , in the days of large families , had been given away to elderly childless relatives to be brought up as a kind of maid-of-all-work and as an insurance against old age ; and what had upset her most when the parting came was having to leave her youngest sister , Beatrice , on whom she had lavished the mother-love within her — birthright of the children she was destined never to conceive .
16 Hopper listened , and was clearly taken by some kind of presence while in Manson 's company because when he recalled the meetings , he made some frank comments about the murders .
17 There is one other almost essential ingredient of the romantic suspense story that can hardly be avoided and yet which perhaps presents difficulties to anyone whose interest is more in the human relationships that are the core of this kind of book than in physical action and violence , things which seem to belong more properly to the thriller .
18 I remained a TV reporter , doing more or less the same kind of interviews as for TWW .
19 Neither a sociological nor a psychological type , he represents an assemblage of mental attitudes , providing a kind of vade-mecum and at the same time an ironic counterpoint to the anxieties of a public that is presumed by the book itself to have lost faith in totalizing explanations and englobing narratives .
20 We may show the same kind of symptom but with different degrees of severity or persistence .
21 Teachers often say they want this kind of material because of its interest value .
22 Insight is like that : the quality of attentiveness must not be spoilt by our getting in the way of it — by the wrong kind of effort or by anxiety and feelings of self-doubt .
23 One solution would be to extend regulation to the press to ensure the same kind of impartiality as on television .
24 For originally , Gothic was one of the number of aesthetic developments which serve to breach the classical and rational order of life , and to make possible a kind of response , and a response to a kind of thing that among the knowing had long been taboo .
25 It was OK for her to do this kind of thing when in a mediumistic trance , but this was n't quite that , was it ?
26 Well this provided some very interesting information I think , because I was very surprised the degree to which men were involved in decisions about what to put in the home and had very strong opinions about quite small details of colour and this kind of thing as to what went into the home .
27 As we continue down the stratigraphical column we find examples in other kinds of sediment and in other kinds of quite high energy facies .
28 Women tend to be concentrated in certain kinds of occupations and in the worst-paid levels of those occupations .
29 Society seeks to rectify the effects of this divergence of private and social interests by imposing limits or prohibitions on certain kinds of emissions or on the use of polluting processes ; other techniques , such as taxing the production of harmful wastes , are also available to force companies to ‘ internalise ’ the full costs of its activities .
30 These patients can experience many kinds of problems when in a different environment such as increased stiffening of the back and limbs due to lack of exercise because they find it so difficult to get out of the hospital chair ; and incontinence for the same reason .
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