Example sentences of "kind [prep] [noun sg] [that] i " in BNC.

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1 According to the kind of constructivism that I am espousing , the holism of the mental is logically and developmentally dependent upon the holism of directed action .
2 There was an anachronistic feel to my whole life , a kind of alienation that I could n't quite understand .
3 But here I am once again running into the kind of difficulty that I noted at the end of my last chapter when I quoted Christine Hugh-Jones ' apposite phrase about the work of the social anthropologist being a matter of sorting out the meaning of a " muddling mass " of detailed data .
4 That was still the kind of work that I wanted to do , and if I thought very much a comprehensive schools it was in a spirit of mild disquiet .
5 I never intended to imply that I would be the first artist to employ hanging cloth ( my use of Walter Benjamin necessitated for this kind of work that I block the aura of the collection and re-route it toward another kind of signification , as well as reference a museum 's depot ) but I am confident that anyone who has visited my installation comes away knowing what my contribution is .
6 I feel far mo , less sympathy and far less identification with her than I perhaps do with a male worker who has to cope with the same kind of exploitation that I do , day in , day out .
7 If you held the kind of philosophy that I do , you would realize that , in friendship , presence and absence , propinquity and distance , do not make quite the difference that they do in mere acquaintanceship .
8 I feel like in Britain the kind of history that I came into as an eighteen year old was a women 's liberation movement whose context was anti-Vietnam , the counter culture , Vietnam solidarity , American radical feminism , irony of all ironies the Ford women 's strike , and here I was living with this Ford worker , domestic tyrant .
9 Yeah , it 's exactly that kind of experience that I think has got me thinking about what I was saying before you came , well before we were just doing the coffee , about the idea of actually starting to draw , well I was calling contracts , but probably it 's more better called agreements , about you know , the theatre will do this , we will do that and
10 ( And why should n't the kind of holism that I am espousing not help to make processes such as mental imagery more intelligible to us — Piaget published a number of experiments on the development of imagery . )
11 And for me , it represents an opportunity to complete the kind of Freud-Darwin synthesis I 've been working on really , for the last ten years , and it kind of represents the completion of the synthesis , as it were now completely merged in my mind into a single , the single kind of entity that I , I know call psychoanalytic .
12 The Hovis ad really is exactly the kind of place that I was born in .
13 Erm , to the kind of soul that I have right now erm , drag that out of my body erm , make sure that it 's the same soul that I started with , drop it into some other body and you 'll still be able to tell the story that I , still me , am now in a different body .
14 With the kind of sound that I use , if I miss any part of the note you hear it as a big clang .
15 It is the first of this kind of thing that I have organised and I would like it to be a success .
16 it 's a kind of thing that I think could be put and take and people could pick up at the box office
17 Nevertheless , the model has inspired much detailed historical research — indeed it has contributed substantially to the progress of economic and social history — and in the past few decades , partly as a result of the publication of previously inaccessible manuscripts of Marx , there have been some valuable contributions to Marxist scholarship addressed to the kinds of problem that I have indicated , concerning modes of production , tribal ( that is , primitive communal ) societies , historical sequences , and the relation of political power to forms of society .
18 And perhaps ‘ mutant ’ memes can exert the kinds of influence that I am here calling ‘ replicator power ’ .
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