Example sentences of "towards [art] end of the " in BNC.

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1 Since Gift Aids applies to a single gifts it can be a very useful means of making a charitable gift towards the end of the tax year when your taxable income for the year can be estimated with some degree of precision .
2 There are returns to the impasto , but thin painting certainly predominates towards the end of the century .
3 Even when non-Anglican protestants had become accepted as citizens in England and Ireland towards the end of the eighteenth century as they already were in Scotland and Wales , English and Irish catholics remained politically suspect .
4 The article as a whole is strangely lopsided but seems to follow on from the logic of this position , embodying the agreement made between clergy and politicians towards the end of the nineteenth century outlined in Chapter 3 .
5 If you 've snapped up one our handsome binders you 'll find , towards the end of the year , that because we 've been able to pack so many pages into Britain 's newest , brightest gardening magazine , things are getting , well , rather full .
6 Towards the end of the month , begin to strip down hanging baskets and replant them with winter-flowering pansies to provide colour through the darker winter days .
7 Towards the end of the month lift carrots and beetroot and store in boxes of peat , peat substitute or sand .
8 It was the creation of the bargain-priced Saver which paved the way for an airline-style market segmentation which has subsequently played such an important part in InterCity 's move into profit which was achieved towards the end of the decade .
9 But two entirely new yards were opened towards the end of the decade , showing that BR envisages at least some need for shunting for the foreseeable future !
10 Towards the end of the decade Railfreight Distribution was increasingly setting its sights on traffic between Britain and mainland Europe as a major source of revenue .
11 Towards the end of the 1980s attention was being focussed on some interesting developments in wagon design .
12 But towards the end of the second or fourth repeat he made some small alteration in the ports de bras so that the dancer could move easily into the next sentence .
13 Brewers have been aware of this issue for centuries and have developed the practice of adding ‘ copper ’ hops early in the boil to provide bitterness and ‘ aroma ’ or ‘ late ’ hops towards the end of the boil for flavour .
14 This advantage is considerable since the bitter fraction may then be chemically manipulated to produce bitter iso a acids from the a acids and so provide a PIKE product which may be added towards the end of the boil or even afterwards .
15 Rex was employed as a toy importer but had also been in wine importation before he joined Khai Eng full-time towards the end of the first year .
16 If , on the other hand , from some consciousness of immaculate rectitude , we follow Allen Ginsberg in giving Pound a kiss of forgiveness — and it is in effect what David Heymann does towards the end of The Last Rower — it is poetry that we are presuming to forgive , not the man but ‘ the-man-as-poet ’ .
17 Margaret Thatcher had sought to have new laws on the statute book this autumn , but the Government is now more likely to publish a consultative Green Paper towards the end of the year .
18 We turned our heads in the direction the Brigadier is pointing and see a Commando about a hundred-and-fifty yards away towards the end of the orchard and almost obscured by the trees , making his way slowly in the direction of Scouse 's latrine .
19 Towards the end of the campaign perceptions of bias became more widespread ( Table 6.4 ) .
20 Towards the end of the campaign television focused more upon the two-party Labour versus Conservative battle and public expectations about Alliance performance declined .
21 Economic perceptions were fairly predictable in the Pre-Campaign Wave and became more so towards the end of the campaign .
22 Amongst Labour partisans in particular the influence of the media more than doubled towards the end of the campaign , as Labour readers of right-wing papers switched from pessimism to optimism .
23 Compared to the influence of personal partisan prejudice the influence of the media on economic perceptions was small but it also increased towards the end of the campaign , especially amongst Labour readers of right-wing papers .
24 Regression analyses suggest the influence of the press increased towards the end of the campaign .
25 Clearly party and leader images were dominated by personal partisan prejudice and that domination increased towards the end of the campaign .
26 It had a particularly strong influence amongst Labour identifiers , especially towards the end of the campaign .
27 Press influence increased towards the end of the campaign but it remained small compared to the influence of partisanship .
28 Clearly images of parties and leaders were dominated by personal partisan prejudice and that domination increased towards the end of the campaign .
29 The press had a particularly strong influence on the attitudes of Labour identifiers , especially towards the end of the campaign .
30 On any day towards the end of the campaign , those who had been very interested in politics just before the campaign opened were one and a half times as likely to read a paper , and twice as likely to watch both BBC-TV and ITV news , as those with no interest in politics ( Chapter 3 ) .
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