Example sentences of "anything that could [be] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Hoarding was frowned on , but tinned beans and peas , sugar , flour , anything that could be stored , was soon piling up on top of wardrobes and in garden sheds .
2 Only the large , ground-living cassowaries from the Australasian rain forests possess anything that could be called avian armour , and even there it is confined solely to the head region .
3 I say nuclear catastrophe partly because any exchange of nuclear arsenals will bear no resemblance to anything that could be called war .
4 She was clearly mentally disturbed , and the reason that I got in touch with the legal project was to see if there 's anything that could be done by them to start giving her some way of getting in touch , getting to solve her problem .
5 However , the energies necessary to test a GUT or a TOE are unimaginably greater than anything that could be achieved on earth .
6 Although all felt that they had found a means of living which enabled them to be open to this reality , they nevertheless say that it was experienced as a gift and a grace beyond anything that could be achieved by conscious effort .
7 There was n't anything that could be said .
8 In defence , Cimino argued that anything that could be imagined happening in Vietnam , probably did happen .
9 The Treasury , which other departments felt had been engaging in the review only half-heartedly until mid-March ( and which was urged to take a greater role by Mr Major ) , was damned if it was going to see its VAT switch spent on anything that could be tagged ‘ son of poll tax ’ .
10 Then it was usually delicatessen , a filled roll or some cheese or fruit , anything that could be gobbled up quickly .
11 One answer to this point is that of Ménard , who notes that anything that could be interpreted as such writing belongs very much on the extreme fringes of fabliaux writing ; detailed brutality is quite rare , and such as there is is not primarily sexual .
12 Thus , Spenser proposes that Irish savagery excels anything that could be associated with England 's most apparent enemy , Spain .
13 Having transgressed these invisible , but powerful , boundaries , the Teds were fair game for anything that could be thrown at them .
14 Without doing anything that could be described as eccentric , he left an impression of strangeness .
15 They are indeed a couple able to avoid anything that could be construed as A Masculine Ending ( BBC1 : 7.45–9.20 pm ) .
16 He ( Anderson ) played on a sexual stereotype , saying she was young , black , ‘ the best sex he had ever had ’ — anything that could be used as an excuse . ’
17 Here are a few ideas : pick up anything that could be used as a baton , not too short and not too long — a piece of wood , a length of metal , a strong branch , a short piece of scaffolding or part of a wooden fence would do .
18 At the moment , we have no way of knowing and , although the report is now public property , its contents during preparation and its final contents are determined entirely by those paying the bill — and they are the promoters who have every interest in avoiding drawing attention to anything that could be used against them when the Bill is debated publicly or scrutinised in the House on Second Reading , Report or in the Special Select Committee or the Standing Committee .
19 Transport cost so much that it was virtually impossible to make a profit by importing anything that could be produced locally ; although salt cod was brought across the Atlantic , in general nothing but luxury goods like gold , silver , furs , and spices would yield a reasonable return after paying for a costly ocean voyage .
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