Example sentences of "anything that [be] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Anything that is done for shock value has no future because it 's done for the moment .
2 Conscience has no application to anything that is done for the sake of the object ; …
3 Weapon is given a wide definition under section 2 of the Canadian Criminal Code and includes ‘ anything that is designed to be used as a weapon or anything that a person uses or intends to use as a weapon , whether or not it is designed to be used as a weapon . ’
4 Almost anything that is going to be done in the future concerned with energy storage , energy conversion erm any new technology , is based on inorganic chemistry .
5 In attempting to discern what distinguishes the notions of making and causing , it soon becomes obvious that there are many objects which can be conceived as being made but not as being caused : this is true , for example , of cars , boats , bread , plastic , in short anything that is brought into being by a process of fabrication .
6 The ‘ product ’ , in this context , means anything that is offered to a market for its use or consumption .
7 There is an assumption that nurses will take anything that is thrown at them and that is dangerous , ’ Mr Rowden said .
8 But I have a theory that if you have two musicians , both trained and able to play anything that is put before them , but only one of them has the ability to play by ear as well , then he or she will be able to project more life , beauty and expression than the other .
9 You 'll also hear anything that 's said in the room , anytime , whether the phone 's in use or not .
10 Good , okay well let's take some details from you and what I 'll do is I 'll register your details onto our mailing list so that erm , anything that 's coming onto the market you 'll get a phone call on straight away to let you know but also I 'll then check and see what we 've got that might suit your requirements at the moment .
11 Anything there too old , coats , anything that 's left on the floor , old boots , shoes that you too small for you throw them in the bin .
12 There may be a million or so people in the land who have the capacity to turn their hands to anything that 's going without feeling frustrated , or rebellious , or losing self-respect .
13 Anything that 's going for us women .
14 Anything that 's going for us women for them well that 'll have them sorted wo n't it ?
15 However deeply involved she might be in her own conversation she rarely missed anything that was said by those around her .
16 Ella never missed anything that was said in the kitchen .
17 She threw herself into her work harder than ever , doing anything that was asked of her , from pinning hems to sweeping the design-room floor to helping the showroom models with their make-up , and all the while she counted the days until she could leave this city and go back to New York , where she belonged .
18 And anything that was eaten in my mother 's house was either home grown or home baked . ’
19 What we now need to ask is has the time arrived er for this measure to begin to be acceptable by the Home Office , it would be nice if there was a just a little indication er as I 'm er proceeding through er this measure from the minister at the despatch box , that the time was now right for this er particular proposal er which was not anything that was voted against er on second reading but merely failed to overcome the hurdle of getting a closure when by seventy eight votes to nil er it was carried except that carrying was not sufficient in order arrive at a closure so that the measure could move in the committee .
20 ‘ It still sounds weird to me , it still does n't sound like anything that was released at the time , ’ Albini declares .
21 Passion ruled her , admitting no distractions , thought and emotion denied , anything that was known outside her acute physical awareness merely sensed .
22 Given the extreme paucity of provision in the past , to close rather than merely narrow the gap between white education provision and that of other racially defined groups would require an investment well beyond anything that was envisaged before the 1990s .
23 She was careful to show no interest whatever in anything that was shown to her .
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