Example sentences of "sort of [noun sg] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The 18th at Augusta is the sort of hole the professionals would rather not have to play .
2 Obviously with this sort of music the ideas are n't going to be : ‘ Yes , my girlfriend is a nurse and I would like a job in the pit ’ .
3 They decided that he was only in it for himself and was not the sort of person the comrades wanted to have with them , and definitely not part of the consensus .
4 But they make me die because you , you you 're a day , I mean we got this sort of letter the bailiffs were coming in because we were a day late .
5 In this sort of atmosphere the arguments of those like Charles Hopwood , MP for Stockport , who accepted social-purity arguments about prostitution but opposed the Criminal Law Amendment Act , were drowned .
6 Moreover they will tend to be Catholics from just the sort of background the universities here have for years wished to see represented more adequately among students .
7 It was just the sort of thing the boys liked , and when Hilary had fetched their suppers — a cold Scotch egg each — from the kitchen , they all sat watching it .
8 What a lot of this sort of thing the Victorians had needed !
9 This was the sort of thing the men must cope with , thought Harold , true to his Victorian principles .
10 Has erm as a lodge , did did you anything from the sort of organization the women had ?
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