Example sentences of "sort of [noun] that he " in BNC.

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1 Porter seems to agree with this view , but says that the extra value obtained from putting the results of the sorts of analyses that he recommends into the matrix form is marginal compared to the value derived from the underlying analysis itself .
2 There is also the element of heightened excitement that goes hand in hand with the sort of work that he does .
3 It means living with the perspective that we are in touch with the Lord Whose Son died so that we might enjoy the sort of life that He planned for us at the beginning of Genesis , and living with that perspective and privilege .
4 The market capacity of the individual depends on the sort of skills that he or she can bring to the labour market as an employee .
5 The relative worth of each of these is dependent upon both the user 's aspirations and the sort of document that he or she is going to produce .
6 ‘ A man would have to supply some sort of evidence that he was not a slave to the State , a spy of the KGB .
7 And that 's the sort of love that he has for you , and for me .
8 He ca n't find anybody , , sort of girl that he wants to marry .
9 Erm those sites are subject to other lo locational restrictions and other environmental restrictions and would n't in our view be appropriate for the sort of development that he 's looking for erm a location in in our context anyway generally speaking along the A one corridor .
10 As a patient , I would like to think that the presence of a doctor 's name on the list would also offer me some sort of guarantee that he or she would not subject me to unnecessary or unjustifiably harmful treatment — whether that treatment be labelled alternative or mainstream , labels that serve only to confuse the issue .
11 erm you know , he 's possibly seeing things on television , sort of areas that he actually visited .
12 I 've actually seen erm er been in a workshop as a participant where a chap who was excellent at this had what he did was while while the participants were doing some sort of an exercise he was actually making these tiny notes up in the top corner for himself so that when he when he came to the next sort of section that he wanted he 'd he 'd got he 'd got the odd notes just up there in the corner .
13 I think Lazlo introduced this , to us , very refreshing sort of sound that he wanted to achieve and we were able at the beginning to quite take people by surprise with this what was described as a young , fresh sound , and we did quite a number of recordings .
14 The AS presumably indicates Andrew Stavanger , and the TMJ will be his secretary , or one of the typing staff And it reads sensibly enough — it is just the sort of letter that he might have been expected to write if he got back to his office late and were told that you had been trying to get in touch with him .
15 The sort of encounter that he wants us to have with him .
16 I share my hon. Friend 's belief that the answer lies in the sort of suggestions that he made and which have been revealed in the report of the three wise men .
17 Yeah , sort of thing that he 'd be writing down
18 And this is the sort of thing that he says , and he says this kind of thing very frequently .
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