Example sentences of "sort of [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 There are all sorts of other ways in which it is hard to learn to use existing languages .
2 A lot of what it has in it is also to be found in all sorts of other books in the genre .
3 So whenever you 've got Xs and Ys and all sorts of strange things in there think just , it 's only a number .
4 Ian 's been sort of talking about all sorts of strange things in his sleep and
5 ‘ When I was young , I used to keep all sorts of tropical fish in a tank .
6 The Department of the Environment purports to have knowledge enough at its fingertips to enable a standard spending assessment to be made that takes account of all sorts of individual circumstances in each local authority area .
7 The uneven development of the technologies of production and communication had also produced a sharp , and apparently increasing demand in the job market for boys to do all sorts of simple work in the sphere of communications and transport : van boys , errand boys , messenger boys , boys to answer telephones , boys to hold horses ' heads and other kinds of trivial but essential work .
8 The construction of that generality does not pretend to be the only possible one — the same event could operate in all sorts of different ways in different series , temporalities , which would mean that , strictly speaking , it was no longer the same event , for it would have been dispersed in their different rarefactions .
9 But eventually the arguments all boil down to the fact that it is more economic to harvest the rainforest sustainably than clear-fell it in the idiotic way we have been doing until now , and that this is of immense benefit to us , the human species , because of the maintenance of that genetic diversity which will cure all sorts of dreadful diseases in the future .
10 We have two sorts of light receptors in the retina , rods and cones .
11 You could put all sorts of little things in there .
12 Consequently , the result is a dull plod , a sort of po-faced mini-series in which a whole bunch of set-pieces go begging for some cinematic tricks to give them a proper build-up and punchline .
13 He has raised a sort of spiritual city in the midst of London …
14 In one very vivid dream , I remember being shot in the lower back and although it was only a dream we had to swim under a sort of submerged wall in order to escape . ’
15 You suspect , though , that featuring male witches is a reaction to economic demands rather than any sort of radical reinterpretation in this , the Redgrave 's first Shakespeare in many years .
16 There is a sort of closed pocket in those areas .
17 However , if it produced the right sort of pro-saving policies in the meantime , the hand-wringing would have served a useful purpose .
18 So essentially , what you 're saying is we 've got the erm the sort of environmental checks in place , to help
19 Tell there 's a little sort of slight story in it .
20 erm There does seem to be a sort of slight discrepancy in the idea of us trying to have a nice clean city and then the people on the allotments committee continuing to build bonfires. erm And it is possible that they perhaps , they have n't in fact any alternative way of getting rid of their rubbish , on the allotments site .
21 Admittedly , the draft legislation made provision for a more demanding sort of primary education in parts of the country which expressed a desire for it , but the likelihood of this superior version taking root was small in view of the poverty of the peasants who would have to pay for it .
22 And it is possible to note , as Max Weber does , a sort of transitional phase in the movement towards a fully-fledged modernity that comes into being in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries .
23 There was a sort of uneasy complaisance in their relationship now .
24 He also got on well with the justices of the Jews and may for a brief period have enjoyed some sort of official position in the Exchequer of the Jews .
25 The exhibitionist streak that had been confined to fancy-dress parties at Virgin 's weekends away now found full public licence ; Richard Branson embarked on a sort of alternative career in fancy dress that would see him , over the years , photographed in airline captain 's uniform , as Peter Pan , Spider Man , City Gent and , on one occasion and for reasons that were never entirely clear , in the bath , wearing only bubbles and a cunningly placed newspaper .
26 The believer then claims either the sort of reasoned proof in which Locke had confidence , or some sort of self-authenticating ‘ proof from experience ’ such as Wesley argued for .
27 Sort of foul taste in my mouth . ’
28 There was a little exhibition called The Nude and basically they 've got a nice little Picture Gallery there with sort of various things in , but they also had some lovely anatomy books beside it and so on , some amazing engravings , you know , entire body structures , skeletal man , muscular man , .
29 It also seemed to inspire a sort of motherly affection in others , so that I was more likely to get away with carelessness or naughtiness than were my more physically mature contemporaries .
30 And I think my own sort of obsessive nature in the studio really started to get to Terry , and he just gave up trying .
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