Example sentences of "sort of [noun sg] he [modal v] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I feel closer to Chris , doing the sort of work he used to do , ’ she said to Sarah .
2 North out half Derek Wilson had the sort of day he will want to forget .
3 Looking down into his eyes , Harry Pascoe knew instinctively that there was in Tristram the makings of the sort of man he would have liked to have been himself : a man of honour , a man untroubled by jealousy or a guilty conscience .
4 One with all the attributes of a jet-setter , considering the sort of life he must have led before the accident that had put him out of motor racing , yet he seemed to be living here like a monk .
5 " I had a sort of fantasy he 'd go to Mrs Africa 's and I 'd go there after him and so would you and we 'd meet . "
6 Interesting that he had married precisely the sort of girl he would have married had he stayed at home .
7 Will the right hon. Gentleman explain to the House more clearly what sort of involvement he would expect from the DTI ?
8 He had often told her that it was a social disadvantage having the sort of wife he could n't take anywhere , but he dropped this line when she started appearing beside him at literary lunches and old school do 's .
9 And he would n't have dismissed a Melissa with a kiss as light as thistledown — the sort of kiss he might had bestowed on a child .
10 Without warning , he had fallen into just the sort of trouble he ought to have kept out of .
11 Colin Beveridge , the fanzine 's assistant editor and chief vendor , was doing the sort of trade he might have expected by selling the Rock of Ages song sheet .
12 The only sort of language he 'd understand .
13 In fact , Sir Adrian had no preconceived ideas about the sort of career he would follow when he came down from Cambridge with a degree in economics .
14 ‘ Lucasta was just the sort of woman he used to like .
15 I wondered what sort of job he would make of it .
16 As Bacci emerged through the blue fog that had collected near the door it occurred to the Captain that if Fusarri had been the normal sort of Substitute he would have had to go and report to him at his office , leaving his own smoke-free .
17 It is one thing for the British elector to be told by Brussels where British fishermen can fish , or what sort of sausage he can eat .
18 But then came a row with the aged President Tito over the sort of reception he might expect on a visit to Belgrade .
19 The ministry , he said , was arguing over how many carers Mr Robinson required , the sort of car he should have and the extent of his potential loss of earnings .
20 He is undoubtedly one of the greatest actors of his generation , and you ca n't help wondering what sort of impact he would make if only he 'd agree to beef up the ranks of the RSC or the National Theatre .
21 She could imagine the sort of place he would choose .
22 ‘ I was talking about some of the funny things that happen there and Mum said it was the sort of place he should be going to . ’
23 We see a son who is quite taken aback that his father does not exercise the sort of discipline he should do :
24 WHEN Marie Haworth 's husband was dying of cancer , the couple discussed what sort of funeral he should have .
25 A surprise attack at midnight would be just the sort of thing he might try .
26 Silly and stupid , the sort of thing he might have done as a child , pathetic for a man of his age .
27 It was n't the sort of thing he would have put on the wall next to his bed but it was a lot more acceptable than Mr Pilkington in a black cowl .
28 ‘ It 's not the sort of thing he would buy , is it ? ’
29 He pointed out that he had originally wanted Robert Bolt , but his secretary said it was not the sort of thing he would do .
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