Example sentences of "expect [pron] [noun pl] to be " in BNC.

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1 She expected my clothes to be bloodstained ! ’
2 ‘ I expect my guests to be polite , señorita , ’ he informed her icily .
3 Countries like Brazil , Mexico or Tanzania ca n't simply write checks in cruzados , pesos or shillings and expect their creditors to be happy .
4 Most parents expect their children to be clean by the age of 2½ years , but 16 per cent of 3-year-olds still show signs of faecal incontinence once a week or more .
5 She had not been brutal enough to mention the office rumour and Ayling had not expected his words to be interpreted that way .
6 You expect your parents to be superhuman , and they expect you to be kids forever .
7 You 've expected your shirts to be perfect , your home dean , your food prepared , your guests fawned over , a woman to keep your bed warm .
8 To give some small examples within my own experience , ICI , in the past , expected its managers to be prepared to move , and work , anywhere .
9 The monks of the Middle Ages used to practise ‘ divine reading ’ , which meant that they expected their lives to be transformed as a result of what they read .
10 Experimenters who expected their subjects to be brighter behaved differently towards the rats and thus affected the rats ' learning abilities .
11 The characteristic Christian theme was most at variance with pagan assumptions in that bishops asked husbands to be as faithful to their wives as they expected their wives to be to them .
12 Even so I did not expect my feet to be trouble-free after using them for the first time on a full day 's hiking in the Purbeck Hills .
13 Many royalists had gone into exile in the colonies , especially Virginia , and the new government could not expect its orders to be obeyed on the other side of the Atlantic .
14 Owners of domestic dogs do not normally expect their pets to be out hunting prey , bringing it down and killing it , in the same fashion as their wild cousins — the wolf on the Arctic Tundra or the Cape hunting dog of the African Serengeti .
15 Companies that arc heavily involved in foreign trade , or whose markets are seasonal , can expect their banks to be responsive to variations in liquidity and generally act as financial advisers .
16 If there is n't , ask what is a realistic period in which you can expect your accounts to be paid , add a margin of 50 per cent and allow for this in your profit margins and liquidity levels .
17 ‘ Surely you do n't expect our animals to be the same as yours ? ’
18 However , we do not expect our computers to be capable of experiencing emotions , even though emotions are clearly a fundamental part of human intelligence .
19 I am not expecting my parents to be reaching the end of their life when they are fortyish but I am likely to be expecting this , although probably unconsciously , when my parents are ninetyish .
20 A ‘ rather terrible ’ third old lady displayed such a regularly outrageous temper that she was constantly locking herself in her room , expecting her meals to be left outside the door for her .
21 Aware of a faint feeling of reluctance , Rory took his hand , half expecting her fingers to be crushed in a vicelike grip .
22 Madame expects her wishes to be obeyed . ’
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