Example sentences of "let him [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Selling was more painful than being sold , a variant of this hurts me more than it hurts you and a comic resourcefulness worthy of Falstaff in his ‘ let him kill the next Percy himself ’ vein .
2 Let him make the first move .
3 Let him have the final word .
4 He sat up alongside her , but she refused to look at him , refused to let him witness the wet film over her eyes .
5 ‘ Looks like it , ’ Sarella returned , trying not to let him get the better of her this time .
6 I took that part to mean about trust between him and the board , ie he trusted them to let him have the final say etc etc .
7 And I must be on top to let him take the full force of the impact .
8 ‘ And you can come in my mouth for another fiver , ’ she said , deliberately pushing her hip into him , letting him feel the soft flow of her limbs .
9 I said I 'd let him know the total number of , of contact days or whatever with Sherburn over the period so that is something I need to get from you Bill .
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