Example sentences of "let they know that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 we 've got to act fairly quickly so can we decide in principle whether we 're going to do this or not and let them know that we either are or we are n't .
2 She could remember though the time when she realised that she must , for love of them both , never let them know that she was aware of it .
3 If you contact them by means other than our Reader Service Card , please let them know that you read about them in CHEMISTRY IN BRITAIN .
4 Let them know that you have n't prepared , and you insult them even further .
5 Let them know that you are always delighted to have them drop in but that it is the responsibility for having children on their own you find too much .
6 Let them know that you 're my friend .
7 Because I let them know that I know .
8 ‘ How are you ? ’ — ‘ I 'm fine ’ , and talk about the weather are designed to make another individual feel comfortable , to let them know that we are positively disposed towards them when we can not think of anything more significant to say .
9 ‘ But we must try and see them — if only to let them know that we 're here , in the States , and that they have no need to worry about Emma and Sophie . ’
10 Those people whose names you 've just , you 've given me their details from , could I ask you er if the next time you see them if it 's within the next few days or certainly erm if , if you could over the next day or two give them a ring just to let them know that I do intend to contact them , I 'll probably contact them within the next week or so .
11 You have to be straight and up front with children to let them know that it is OK for them to use their own words and explain their concerns in their won way , ’ says Brown .
12 She 'd have to ring her parents , of course , to let them know that she was definitely extending her holiday .
13 And for all his fans over here , I 'd like to let them know that he called DJ and me aside then and asked us if we 'd be interested in doing a European tour .
14 She fell in with Nicole 's steps , watching as she gesticulated to the men , letting them know that they would n't be long .
15 Remember , though , that badgering agents is quite useless ; if they want to come they will come , but telephoning them and overselling yourself can be just as useless as not letting them know that you 're alive and working .
16 But you will let them know that you 're there like and I mean that
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