Example sentences of "let he [verb] [pers pn] be " in BNC.

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1 He said the Josephs were not there and Rain let him assume they were on their way and expected to find four very wet friends .
2 Let him think they were going to get married if he wanted to .
3 I let him think it was mutual . "
4 But you do n't tell him Condor is a DIA operation or let him think you 're with DIA HUMINT .
5 ‘ We will make a fair noise , let him know we are coming , ’ commented Lane .
6 ‘ At least let him know you 're alive . ’
7 ‘ I 'll phone him , and let him know you 're coming . ’
8 His fingertips travelled until they found my own and , with the lightest returning pressure , I let him know it was all right .
9 Let Him Have It is the case history of an outrageous miscarriage of justice .
10 Let him see I 'm no longer the pushover I was last night !
11 I let him see I was being very careful not to make any mistake with the .38 .
12 All you need do is look after your father , and let him see you 're cheerful .
13 But because I was in like really really tight tights , er like and then a pair of ski pants over the top er , my whole leg was like , you know , sort of soaked in and this bloke was there going , hee , that 's pretty impressive and I was like , I 'm not going to let him know I was crying and like got up and went to the top of the slope and I carried on skiing for about an extra half an hour , but like when I got home , and I just took off , my whole leg started , feet swelling as I took the like , the tight like leggings off .
14 I sigh , to let him see he is dragging this out of me .
15 She could not really let herself understand what he was saying , but she knew she had to speak out , to let him know it was not just the thought of her father that had brought her here .
16 To be blunt I was ready to let him know I was aware how he was using the Post and where the money was going . ’
17 I er I phoned him up to let him know I was going in and he 's not too far away you see so asked him if he 'd like to pop in so he did about half eleven .
18 ‘ It must have taken a lot of practice to become so fluent , ’ she called down the hatch to let him know she was back .
19 She ought to phone Arnie to let him know she was back , but he was the last person she felt like speaking to right now .
20 He swung his leg over the saddle , rocked the bike off its stand and balanced it with his legs while she put on the helmet , tugged on the huge gloves and tried not to let him know she was panicking .
21 It 's hard enough for him to accept Angy 's shabby treatment of Rick , her lies about the ring and her deceit in letting him think she was carrying another man 's child .
22 And do not let him think he is to be parted from you forever Ellen for this would not be the truth .
23 I 'll let him know you 're here . ’
24 I 'll wait , if you 'd just let him know I 'm here . ’
25 Do n't let him see you 're really keen .
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