Example sentences of "suggest that it was [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The 1377 poll-tax returns suggest that it was over three times the size of the largest provincial centres , Bristol and York , almost five times that of Coventry and six times that of Norwich ( 104 , p.1 ) .
2 It 's possible that some other minor eruptions occurred between 1681 and 1883 , but if they did , there is no record of them , and all of the reports and descriptions made by ships passing Krakatoa suggest that it was quite dormant .
3 Or schools get very excited by computer-assisted learning , ordering equipment and retraining teachers — only to find that the pupils , so full of enthusiasm three years ago , have totally lost interest , while the ‘ experts ’ are once again suggesting that it was n't such a good idea after all .
4 The the reconciliations suggesting that it was n't a good stock take .
5 I also remember that on that occasion some cautious , niggly comments circulated , suggesting that it was somehow out of order to rejoice in this magnificent sound .
6 I do him the credit of suggesting that it was not of his invention .
7 Yet the Declaration of Rights made no provision for regular Parliaments ; it merely stated that " Parliaments ought to be held frequently " , and even then it was the last demand made in the document , suggesting that it was not a particularly high priority .
8 Two weeks ago I wrote to the Archbishop of Canterbury suggesting that it was now time for the Church Militant to denounce antibiotics in the same uncompromising terms once used against usury , but I suspect my advice ( admittedly unsolicited ) will go the same way as the seed of Onan .
9 I think Steve you were you were suggesting that it was only the G three T one .
10 ‘ It seems feasible therefore that subinfeudated and honorial vills may have differed in village planning policies … suggesting that it was under honorial administration that they [ regular village plans ] were most likely to be established . ’
11 A political commentator of our own day , Paul Johnson , quoted it not long after Major became Prime Minister to suggest that it was also true of him .
12 By further describing it as a ritual , the author might be taken to suggest that it was also part of an ongoing practice governed by unalterable rules .
13 Contrary to the obvious evidence you find , there is also enough clues to suggest that it was n't Jack the Ripper at all .
14 Mr Major attacked Labour again in Commons questions for ‘ talking Britain down ’ , prompting Mr Smith later to suggest that it was not a question of who is talking the country down , but pulling it down .
15 Ouija is made up of the French and German words for ‘ yes ’ , and this would suggest that it was originally an ‘ answering machine ’ for the spirits of the board .
16 We do n't know exactly how long ago the common ancestor of cows and peas lived , but fossil evidence suggests that it was somewhere between 1,000 and 2,000 million years ago .
17 Peter Gillman suggests that it was not until TV South West made a film ‘ A Trust Betrayed ’ , and consulted Dr Neil Ward of Surrey University , that a plausible explanation for the conflicting evidence of poisoning and the official view that it could not happen came to light .
18 Wilfrid 's failure to secure a sympathetic hearing suggests that it was not only Oswiu 's family which found him unpalatable .
19 While as early as Elizabethan times crime chap-books were published to give news about recent crimes , Wagner suggests that it was only toward the end of the seventeenth century that a diverse crime literature appeared .
20 Doug Green suggests that it was too much for a teacher working in London for the first time :
21 However , closer examination of how these deprivations were experienced within care-giving households suggests that it was often carers who bore the brunt of them , while trying to protect the living standards of the disabled or elderly person :
22 Although this plant occurs there today , its absence in the pollen record suggests that it was never common in the Outer Hebrides .
23 But although Lobkowicz ( 1967 ) cautions us against assuming that Aristotle 's distinction between theory and practice is similar to today 's usage , and suggests that it was as much a matter of the context as the content of knowledge — types of life as well as types of thought — the dichotomy is still very much with us .
24 Local information suggests that it was occasionally worked for a few years after this , but by the 1950s had stopped completely .
25 And then Lily Moore had suggested that it was n't fair , that they ought to take turns at the pulpit and the font .
26 ‘ Have I ever suggested that it was otherwise ? ’
27 The Direktor had suggested that it was not necessary for Willi to go , that in fact it would be much better if it were just him , Busacher , and no-one else .
28 Schroeder however does appear to equate unreasonableness with oppression but it is suggested that it was not laying down any principle to that effect : it so happened that on the facts in that case unreasonableness and oppression both existed .
29 We must remember , too , that Dissenters in the 18th century were not the political revolutionaries they had been in the 17th — there was a sense in which the rabid Nonconformity of one generation became the established respectability of the next , and commentators like Halevy have suggested that it was precisely the innate conservatism of the new dissent , Methodism , which helped stave off revolution in England in the early 19th century — a real opium of the people , in effect .
30 Indeed , some people have suggested that it was so difficult as to have been impossible , but this is to underestimate the intelligence and ingenuity of our forebears .
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