Example sentences of "suggest that [pron] [vb -s] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Some commentators suggest that it represents a key political platform for the government in coming years .
2 We suggest that it enables the parents to pay a compliment to close friends by inviting them to be godparents .
3 The examples listed earlier suggest that it covers a vast variety of relations ; for example the relation between capitalists and workers is said to be one of oppression , while that between factions of the ruling class might be competition .
4 Our journeys on the whiteboard suggest that it holds the key to our concepts of beauty .
5 It is famous for its tremendous resources and ability to get the job done , but other firms suggest that it has a less than enviable success rate .
6 The differences found between them may throw light on certain rarely remarked properties of the object which suggest that it has a major role in the development of cognitive abilities and the ways in which the world is perceived , understood and lived in .
7 Experiments suggest that it has a fluid consistency and that there is movement of the liquid molecules within the membrane .
8 On this basis I suggest that there remains a great deal of doubt that mild to moderate hypertension in elderly people should be treated .
9 ‘ Recent experiments suggest that there exists an ‘ interconnectiveness ’ of the human mind with other minds and with matter — that the human mind may be able to obtain information independent of geography and time … ’ and concluded that ‘ … a general recognition of the degree of interconnectiveness of minds ( and matter ) could have far-reaching society and political implications for the nation and the world . ’
10 I suggest that she wears the bracelet either above her elbow or round her ankle so that it does n't get entangled in her ribber .
11 It is still a thoughtful , finely acted and daringly all-encompassing film , suggesting that no-one has a fixed nature .
12 Thus it would seem that the ‘ dawn of civilisation ’ , so often quoted in a context suggesting that it represents a fairly finite occurrence taking a relatively short space of time , did , in all probability cover a very long time indeed , perhaps many thousands of years .
13 Some of the manifestations of septic shock , such as hypotension , haemoconcentration , and gastrointestinal ulceration were reported to be mimicked after intravenous administration of platelet activating factor in rats suggesting that it plays a role in this syndrome .
14 Now I want to suggest that what makes the difference — what transmutes overload and pressure into full-blown stress — are what I shall call injunctions .
15 One response to the effects of the crisis upon trade unionism is to suggest that it needs a more politicised education .
16 What Einstein did was to suggest that there exists a tensor identity between space–time curvature and a tensor , the stress-energy tensor , describing the distribution of matter .
17 They 've had er enormous difficulties and er the honourable gentleman will er know that the South Wales police authority committee , its officers and its Chief Constable have er visited parliament er to put their case to members representing the South Wales police authority area and indeed to er Earl Ferrers the minister er responsible for the police and they certainly have n't had any er criticism made of them by his own government and if er he believes that there is a criticism I would suggest that he takes a leaf out of the book of his er , his right honourable friend the Secretary of State and refers the matter so that it can be properly audited and er I think the honourable gentleman knows that when that is done he will see that there is no blame attached whatsoever to the members or the officers of the police authority .
18 This mutual incomprehension could , of course , be accidental ; but I will suggest that it expresses a division between the two positions which runs deeper than the dispute we have so far considered .
19 You asked the question of of what this criterion erm could mean and I 'd suggest that it means the following .
20 If I wished to be cruel about the discussion this far , I would suggest that it has the evasive character of much comparative writing .
21 Cuckney does not believe the crash was the result of any fundamental change in the structure of national economies , but he does suggest that it signals the fact that greater volatility in global markets is here to stay .
22 The wide acceptance of this style guide , and similar ones in other disciplines , suggests that it fills a need .
23 Holman speaks emotively of parents ‘ losing ’ their children , which suggests that he identifies the wishes and feelings of parents as being of not insignificant importance alongside the needs of children .
24 In starting a negotiation it is suggested that one has a clear plan from the start identifying :
25 One unit was composed of many more buildings than the others and it is suggested that it represents a social difference with specialist activities taking place there .
26 Equally contentious is its inspirational source , and experts have suggested that it represents a stylized version of such diverse objects as a pine cone , a cypress tree , a leaf , a foetus , a male sperm and the Zoroastrian flame .
27 Most sociological writing on the underclass has suggested that it has a potential for what Giddens calls ‘ hostile outbursts ’ — that is , riots or mass violence and public disorder .
28 Erm so have a go at that stuff and work through it and think about think of new words for yourself and I 've suggested that he gets a notebook to put some spelling in .
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