Example sentences of "suggest to [pers pn] that [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Well I think what they suggest to me that we have to pay for the poster site .
2 The depression on the ‘ blade ’ and the overall shape suggest to me that it is some sort of agricultural implement , such as a weeding paddle or potato lifter .
3 It is not for me to help Scottish Tories in those circumstances , but I suggest to them that it may have something to do with the way in which the Government treat Scotland in legislative terms .
4 The usual way in which this duty is breached is for the employee to mention to customers that he is leaving and either directly or indirectly suggest to them that he is available to meet their needs once he has left .
5 I suggest to him that he should overcome his natural sloth and complacency .
6 Therefore I suggest to him that he should give an undertaking to do two things er first that he should do two things .
7 Suppose I suggest to you that we stop part of your wages to help pay for the damage to the china and to Mrs Darrell 's dignity , and you promise to be good in future ? ’
8 First , I suggest to you that it may be morally permissible to allow a baby to die by non-intervention .
9 fact it might be apposite this year to suggest to them that they might like to introduce one or other of the things that we were looking at in there .
10 The form of service and the choice of hymns , if any , should be your parent 's , and if she is hoping to see her husband 's coffin surrounded by flowers on its last journey , nobody should suggest to her that she should instead consider asking relatives and friends to send donations to a suitable charity , for this may upset her deeply , and if she gives in to it , it may become a burning resentment in her later on .
11 ‘ His wife , ’ Theodora said hesitantly , ‘ Mrs Gray , did suggest to me that he had a problem . ’
12 Because if I 'm not reasonably careful , if I do have another drink , in fact if I stay a further minute even without another drink-then I shall probably suggest to you that we proceed — do n't forget that we do n't ‘ progress ’ in the police force , we always ‘ proceed ’ — to , er … ’
13 But I would suggest to you that we need to press Rentakil and say , you know you the conditions of the guarantee we feel we 'd comply with , and wait until we get anything back from the solicitors , before we do anything else .
14 Let me just suggest to you that you are sending all the wrong signals on women , on Party constitution , on economic matters , on policy matters , the modernizers have lost the impetus , they 're sending the wrong signals .
15 But I think there must be I I would suggest to you that you sh you should request a discussion between the principle parties here to agree what allocations they 're taking , whether in adopted plans or proposed plans or previous plans and what windfalls .
16 Mr Whitelaw would pass on to Mrs Thatcher the proposals for phrases and the presentational priorities , suggesting to her that she might wish to hold a meeting on the subject .
17 And Anna Freud had great difficulty in suggesting to her that it might have happened .
18 What I 'm saying to you is that , that we actually need to find additional money for this , because this is over our budgeted amount if we are to proceed , and I , the clerk is suggesting to us that we do proceed , because he 's concerned on our behalfs .
19 ‘ I knew J B Priestley a bit and he once suggested to me that I should do what he did in the Thirties , which was to take a trip around Britain talking to people .
20 The Secretary of State for Employment sought to protest when my hon. Friend the Member for Sedgefield suggested to him that we were near the bottom of the league tables , saying that we should not take too much account of them .
21 Whether or not he was altogether comfortable in such a role is another matter ; when Lawrence Durrell once suggested to him that he was not a Christian at all but more like a Buddhist or a primitive he replied only with a question , " Perhaps they have n't found me out yet ? "
22 With this in mind er , this morning I 've written to George , the trade union secretary of the Civil Engineering Conciliation Board , the negotiating machine and suggested to him that he contacts the employers to seek a further meeting to see if we can restart the talks based on doing something about the longstanding commitment by both sides of the industry to have a positive and sensible pay structure for the future this may be one way forward , one way out of the deadlock .
23 I related the same story to a gentleman in this department , and he was unable to be of help — especially when I suggested to him that his department should not approve equipment that was unable to receive satisfactorily most of the NDBs in the UK .
24 And I suggested to him that I sedate him , essentially put him under general anaesthesia with morphine , and let nature take its course .
25 I suggested to her that she could sit on it .
26 That suggests to me that he supports the policy of sector policing that my right hon. Friend the Home Secretary has put his weight behind .
27 So it seems to me that the existence of death , the fact that organisms do n't live forever , and they certainly are not perfected in terms of personal fitness or survivability , because they get diseases and they die suggests to me that our modern insight into evolution acting on individual genes is , is correct .
28 I have n't seen anything that , that actually says , suggests to me that you 've got another , any other special cause between now and last autumn .
29 This suggests to me that it may not always be the lack of children that causes the distress — I 'd watched them childless , enjoying life enormously — rather , it is the realisation that biologically , they will not now be parents .
30 This suggests to us that there 's probably no advantage to be gained from further tinkering with the law .
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