Example sentences of "suggest that [pers pn] [vb base] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I suggest that we substitute for this what might be called a ‘ relative autonomy ’ rule .
2 it does that I suggest that we look at it again tomorrow .
3 Is there not some hypocrisy when the Opposition talk of problems of unemployment and housing , yet suggest that we add to them — — by advocating an open-door immigration policy that will mean more people coming to our constituencies and competing for homes and jobs ?
4 If you wish to visit this as an individual , I suggest that you write in advance of your visit .
5 Some advisers suggest that you look to past precedents within the company ; others recommend that you gear your expectations to the financial sum that you expect to require in order to exist in reasonable comfort until another job comes along ; others simply suggest that you look for payment of a year 's full salary .
6 Some advisers suggest that you look to past precedents within the company ; others recommend that you gear your expectations to the financial sum that you expect to require in order to exist in reasonable comfort until another job comes along ; others simply suggest that you look for payment of a year 's full salary .
7 Remember — it 's always worth turning up even for the most popular events , but we suggest that you check with the Box Office on availability first .
8 I CAN understand your apprehensions and I suggest that you talk to a Relate marriage guidance counsellor about your problem .
9 Again , it is a matter of personal preference whether you prepare the bud or rootstock stem first , but until you have had some practice and know just what is involved , I suggest that you start with the bud .
10 ‘ I want to make it absolutely clear , ’ said Angalo slowly , as a great feathery head nabbled in the water a few inches away , ‘ that if you 're suggesting that we ride on a geese — ‘
11 Ullman therefore suggests ( contra empiricists and Piaget ) that a baby — or , one might add , a kingfisher — can see that two appearances are views of one and the same object even if it has never seen that sort of object before , and even if it has no tactile or manipulative evidence suggesting that they pertain to one and the same thing .
12 Homology between DRP and dystrophin extends over their entire length , suggesting that they derive from a common ancestral gene .
13 The corporation was sustaining appalling production losses and Finniston wrote to each of the trade unions suggesting that they meet on the neutral territory of a Heathrow hotel .
14 The letter was dated almost a week previously , and as Merrill read it she realised with dismay that Richard was already in the area and was suggesting that they meet in the lounge of Frobishers ' at seven o'clock on Saturday — this evening .
15 A number of recent pathological studies have emphasised the specificity of these B cells , suggesting that they originate from mucosa associated lymphoid tissue ( MALT ) .
16 The two men picked their way along the line with the aid of a torch , but before they reached the bridge the Sergeant switched it off suggesting that they tread on the wooden sleepers and as softly as possible .
17 Live the natural way : No , I am not suggesting that you return to some sort of Tarzan and Jane existence , simply that you try and reduce your dependence on those mechanical things which sometimes seem to threaten to take over our lives .
18 Nathan returns , suggesting that you need to be in a sheltered spot for minimum discomfort ; he thinks that constipation is to be feared almost as much as the wind .
19 ‘ You 're suggesting that I go to him ? ’ she 'd hissed .
20 There would have been no reprieve had I deposited my CFI over the side and I suppose that could have happened , I was to learn many years later , however , most of the formation complained that I steered a very erratic course , and I thought it was the CFI touching the control column in his cockpit , and with his feet ( suggesting that I move to the right or the left ) .
21 this is not to suggest that I function like a computer ( which would be anathema to me ) , for there is always something to react to , something new to learn , or to improve .
22 ‘ I 'm going to suggest that you talk to one of my colleagues in future , ’ Dr Mackintosh said , keeping his temper .
23 I would erm suggest that they go at Swindon to see how it 's done .
24 And may I suggest that we add to the list , on the computer type it into this particular programme be , it 's called arts list
25 Can I suggest that we talk about the four thousand pound job as a sort of practice profile if we like ?
26 The dramaturgical metaphor would suggest that we look to the audience for the arbitration of the action , and it is perhaps no surprise that the peer group emerged as crucial in this respect .
27 Well , can I suggest that we look at Simon 's document and go through it and respond that we take the three proposals that Jenny has tabled , review and agree or decide to adjust and ask Stella and Rita to prepare for the next meeting documents then as assignments ?
28 the case then can I suggest that we define within our quality systems , that project engineers will be M S twos or above , for check categories of zero or above , and that for jobs with a category of double zero
29 ‘ Might I suggest that you wait with yonder deputation whilst I consider the matter further ?
30 ‘ I understand very well , and may I suggest that you return to Piccadilly .
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