Example sentences of "suggest that [pers pn] [verb] [pos pn] " in BNC.

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1 It is likely that the Romans followed Alexandrian fashion in this respect , but surviving portraits of later date suggest that they retained their own conventions of representing character in facial features .
2 ‘ Then I suggest that you keep your tongue , unless you wish to render yourself liable to an action for slander . ’
3 Now I suggest that you get your things together .
4 It 's the last day of Week 2 and I suggest that you have your main meal at lunchtime again , so allowing more time to work it off before tomorrow 's assessment .
5 We suggest that you check your oven temperature with a thermometer or set it 10° lower — make sure you check the manufacturer 's instructions first as some are already adjusted .
6 If you are completely beaten by this painstaking stage of pressed flower work , then I suggest that you consult your local framer , who should be very helpful and be able to quickly produce the professional finish that you want .
7 We therefore suggest that you consult your family doctor for further advice .
8 We therefore suggest that you consult your family doctor for further advice .
9 If not , I suggest that he withdraws his reference to AMMA .
10 Friends of Eliot suggest that he confronted his old friend with the news a day or two before the marriage .
11 All she had done this morning was suggest that she bathe his wound again before they started out , and he had refused with a complete lack of gratitude or even common courtesy .
12 While staying at The Vyne in Hampshire at the end of the last century , Lord Charles Beresford made a spectacular conquest which led to the object of his desire suggesting that they furthered their acquaintance in her room after the rest of the party had retired .
13 However that may be , a member of the Coordinating Team visited the school shortly afterwards , and explained the principles of the Major and Minor Projects to the head , suggesting that he developed his ideas a little more specifically .
14 You 're suggesting that I damaged your car deliberately .
15 IBM Personal Systems Business Unit Europe/Middle East/Africa says it had record volume of sales in the first quarter of this year , and points to Dataquest figures suggesting that it outshipped its nearest competitor by 66% during the last quarter of 1992 and the first quarter of 1993 — gaining 4% in market share over the previous six months ; the company also said it reorganised its manufacturing and distribution operations at its Greenock , Scotland , plant , cutting distribution costs for its ValuePoint and ThinkPad brands by more than 65% , cutting its inventory by 17% since the end of 1992 ; this magnitude of savings will also be realised for the PS/2 and PS/1 lines this year .
16 I am simply trying to suggest that we do our best to ensure they report it accurately .
17 Might I suggest that we ask our MPs to use their influence to stop all advertising and sponsorship of smoking products which are now largely directed at young people ?
18 If you have any queries your pharmacist will be pleased to give advice and may also suggest that you visit your dentist .
19 If you have any queries about oral hygiene your Pharmacist will be pleased to give advice and may also suggest that you visit your dentist .
20 His only modern biographer suggests that he spent his last days in extreme poverty at an advanced age , an ironical end for someone who had accounted meticulously for the handling of millions of pounds and had been listed by name in an Act of Parliament .
21 All the evidence suggests that she had her confessor wrapped around her little finger : while claiming the complete obedience appropriate to her spiritual supervisor she in fact got round every attempt he ever made to make her moderate her life style ; she persuaded him to confer his blessing and approval on her choices .
22 Erm John has suggested that we send their membership on and then that 's definitely it .
23 It 's been suggested that you lost your teaching job not just because you wrote ‘ The Dark ’ but because you married a ‘ foreign ’ woman in a registry office .
24 None of my previous assistants has ever suggested that I change my style of management , and I can assure you that I have no intention of starting now .
25 An artist I met that evening at Dr Caskie 's suggested that I exchange my tourist food permit for a civil emergency ration card , and do my own marketing and cooking .
26 All I was told is that you 're getting twelve months guarantee , but you 've got to have a three thousand mile service , and as the gentleman said erm I recorded the deliveries and sent them all back and on the third one , when I took it in I asked if they 'd put a new set of points in for me and erm unfortunately when it came out there was no compression at all and because because I it was suggested that I dug my heels in a bit and got an independent report and erm basically they told me to get lost because it cost fifty pound to do the report .
27 ‘ Many scholars have suggested that she broke his heart by ending the relationship , ’ Hawkins says from his home in Blandford , Dorset .
28 When the good Doctor suggested that I override your wish and write to … ’
29 It was no use offering him money , for he would immediately spend it on drink , but I suggested that he try his hand at very light work — sweeping the hospital floor , later a little gardening , and for this I paid him in meals cooked by Toma at home .
30 ‘ Well , sir ? ’ he asked Sharpe , but in a nervous voice which suggested that he expected his temerity in asking to be met with a savage reproof .
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