Example sentences of "suggest that [pron] be [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Some commentators on the left take a more explicitly political view of the central-local government trends since 1979 and suggest that they are part of a deliberate larger attempted restructuring of relations between state and society .
2 Although each of them gave greatly inflated estimates of their membership , reliable intelligence reports suggest that they were shoestring operations with minimal popular impact .
3 Advance tapes suggest that it 's leagues ahead of the rather dull ‘ Thaw ’ Housefrau superstar LYDIA LUNCH meanwhile has been recording with pathological monsters OXBOW for their LP ‘ King Of The Jews ’ , which should be out in January when they 're set to return to the UK for another series of dates .
4 Advance tapes suggest that it 's leagues ahead of the rather dull ‘ Thaw ’ Housefrau superstar LYDIA LUNCH meanwhile has been recording with pathological monsters OXBOW for their LP ‘ King Of The Jews ’ , which should be out in January when they 're set to return to the UK for another series of dates .
5 I suggest that it is humanism — both religious and secular — that is the dominant philosophical adversary .
6 In a truly patronising vein , you suggest that it was technology , the offer of a shiny card with their photo , that attracted Cambodians to register as voters .
7 The data presented here suggest that there are sequence homologies between amino acid residues 206–217 of A-gliadin and non-toxic prolamins .
8 In gall bladder and colonic , epithelia , intracellular [ Na + ] is maintained virtually constant despite varying rates of NaCl absorption , suggesting that there is parellel regulation of basolateral Na + /K + ATPase .
9 This belief , expressed in the legal doctrine of novus actus interruptus , is that a person is responsible for his own actions , and others are not responsible even if they induced his action by suggesting that there are reasons for it , or by behaving in ways which led him to form such a belief .
10 The Hon. Member for Cunninghame , North ( Mr. Wilson ) was correct in suggesting that there are powers under clause 12 if future arrangements are inadequate .
11 Within all the social services , but especially within education , it is often necessary to argue for increased access to the material resource of the service while simultaneously suggesting that there are aspects of the service , particularly the ideology transmitted by it , which one deplores ( see Sections I and IV ) .
12 Hall reveals through his examination of Colnaghi documents that Berenson 's recommendations at times ‘ follow almost word for word , Gutekunst 's own letters to Berenson ’ , suggesting that it is time for a re-examination of the role of dealers as well as the more famous advisers in influencing taste .
13 The predicted size of this fragment was 1076 bp , however , the full length fragment was not discernable in the other cell lines tested suggesting that it 's occurrence is rare .
14 It seemed to Annie that no sooner had Tamar arrived in the market hall , than Goodison was by her side , suggesting that it was time they started off for home .
15 Dame Sybil earned her everlasting gratitude by suggesting that it was time she retire .
16 In fact none of the books in my list had any markings to suggest that they were duplicates ; quite the reverse .
17 To suggest that it is shows how preconditioned some people are to react to the female body as pornographic .
18 The importance of this approach is to suggest that it is perceptions that are important and depending on how the management views the worker then a different style of management will develop and a different set of relationships between the management and the workforce will exist .
19 But there is ample evidence in the novel , in addition to the flawed mirror , to suggest that it is Irigaray 's version , not Lacan 's , that functions as Thru 's theoretical ‘ deep structure ’ .
20 I would venture to suggest that it is Helen Bews and her like who should accept that their world view went out with the Empire !
21 The fighting was instigated by Hezbollah , which prompted some commentators to suggest that it was part of an Iranian effort to undermine the Saudi-instigated Taif peace process .
22 From the tone of your report you would seem to suggest that there is cause for celebration here , but surely this railgun has only one purpose , to kill people , or have the great minds of physics and engineering got something more ethical planned ?
23 The parallel between primitives and infants is the weakest part of Freud 's model , but to suggest that there are parallels between the responses of neurotics in modern societies and some primitive culture 's ways of handling their situation is sometimes enlightening .
24 She considers whether it is true to claim that there is a sex-related divergence of views , and the possible reasons for any such divergence , and goes on to suggest that there are areas in which women 's views may typically differ from those of men .
25 This is not to suggest that there were trackways everywhere ( although they probably remain to be found elsewhere in Somerset , and records exist of others from the bogs of Lancashire ) , but that the exploitation of the landscape implied by them existed very widely .
26 Even if the wedding were not Jesus 's own , his presence , as well as his mother 's at such an occasion would patently suggest that they were members of the same social caste .
27 For twenty projects to be deferred , would n't that suggest that there are problems within the er County Council ?
28 I am surprised that the hon. Gentleman should suggest that there are divisions in the Conservative party but not in his party .
29 But the advent of the Nationalists , though hard to analyse , did suggest that there were votes to be won or lost , at least in Scotland and Wales , on the public 's sense of remoteness from decision-taking or its lack of knowledge of the existing degree of devolution to the Scottish and Welsh Offices and on the general confusion as to which body was responsible for what .
30 Although Ennodius 's panegyric can not be used as absolute proof that Gregory 's chronology for Clovis 's conversion is wrong , it does suggest that there was conflict between the Franks and the Alamans shortly before 508 .
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