Example sentences of "suggest [that] they [am/are] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Although Prime Ministers may from time to time use words which suggest that they are not unwilling to exercise their power of appointment , in recent times there is no direct evidence that they have done so .
2 The functional characteristics of these two strong promoters suggest that they are not optimized for a tight and stable RNA polymerase binding .
3 One would expect such issues to be handled in the training , both pre- and in-service , of all teachers , but our collective experiences and the responses received to the main LITE questionnaire suggest that they are not .
4 However , Interactionists suggest that they are less frequently and vigorously applied .
5 Nor do his choral forces always suggest that they are home in the idiom .
6 Scientific examination has shown that they are made of bronze similar to that used in genuine Italic figures from Italy and the patination appears to have developed over a long period , suggesting that they are not modern copies .
7 increase in the number of those in temporary accommodation , but is the Minister suggesting that they are not homeless ?
8 There is , therefore , a double dissociation between the effects of visual cortex and superior colliculus lesions , suggesting that they are functionally independent .
9 The fact that these pairs were so assiduously taught seems to suggest that they are not innate .
10 Most of the ontogenetic patterns occur early enough in life and are sufficiently strongly marked and stereotyped to suggest that they are genetically canalized .
11 ‘ Victor , I have evidence to suggest that they are now actually capable of creating the conditions suitable for generation on a global scale .
12 Neither would we suggest that they are particularly stupid .
13 Autism is also unusual in that the children will often possess special skills which can falsely suggest that they are considerably more intelligent than they in fact are .
14 I mean if one can use a slightly awkward word like ‘ policing ’ , and I think there is a sense that none of us want to be acting as substitute parents and , you know , policing student behaviour in a way that suggests that they 're not yet fully mature .
15 Exactly , I mean that 's what they should do , but this evidence suggests that they 're not doing that .
16 Erm I see nothing in the current Bradford U D P which suggests that they are n't erm majoring on urban regeneration , that they 're doing they 're doing exactly that .
17 The Orthodox Churches have started to have some discussions of the issue , which suggests that they are not necessarily completely closed to the idea .
18 It does not face up to the punishment question because it implicitly suggests that they are not culpable if their criminal aetiology can be ‘ understood ’ .
19 Medical advice suggests that they are not yet at toxic levels , which would pose a threat to human health .
20 But the double oxymoron in line 13 suggests that they are already foes , that the poem has either been written to try and restore a lost harmony , or to draw attention to the fact that it can not be restored .
21 The case for co-operative R&D ventures that emerges from our survey of the theoretical literature in section II above suggests that they are most desirable where technological spillovers and pecuniary externalities are large , where participating firms produce complementary products , when they are focused on the R rather than the D , and when they do not enhance downstream product market power .
22 The evidence suggests that they are often indifferent to their educational attainment and are interested in only a narrow range of basic skills or in traditional education for the ‘ high-fliers ’ .
23 However , gold and silver colourings , though stunning in effect , do not taste pleasant and it is suggested that they are not eaten in any quantity .
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