Example sentences of "suggest [conj] [noun pl] [modal v] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 If the will had been there and secure accommodation and prison accommodation had been available , I suggest that magistrates would have applied the law in the way that was intended when that legislation was passed .
2 When a dispute arises Customs and Excise suggest that taxpayers should contact their local VAT office to request a review of the decision .
3 When a dispute arises Customs and Excise suggest that taxpayers should contact their local VAT office to request a review of the decision .
4 I suggest that doctors should end the battle of faith and stand together to assure continued supply of animal insulin for those who need or want it .
5 Theories that attempt to unite Nature 's forces within one framework suggest that monopoles should have been produced in the early stages of the Universe : and just over a year ago Blas Cabrera , a researcher at Stanford University , thought he might have found one ( New Scientist .
6 They quote Lorde , ‘ The master 's tools will never dismantle the master 's house ’ ( Moraga and Anzaldúa 1981 ) , and suggest that women should work , not by ‘ adopting masculine methods which are not incompatible with the masquerade of femininity ’ , but with ’ genuine womanpower ’ ( Greer 1971 : 114 , 115 ) .
7 But the buckyball compounds ' opposite behaviour suggest that researchers should pursue ‘ negative pressure ’ , created by inserting a larger atom into the lattice .
8 Night waking Some professionals suggest that parents should wake their children at certain times during the night to get them to go to the lavatory .
9 But video films of fires carried out on the test rig suggest that alarms will sound too late .
10 Suggest that participants should make themselves familiar with the main issues beforehand — perhaps by reading this booklet or other books on the list on pp. 23–4 — so that the discussion will be based on adequate information .
11 ‘ Recent experiments by Mark Liberman and Lloyd Nakatani suggest that listeners can transcribe English nonsense names embedded in sentences ( and obeying the phonological constraints of English ) with better than 90% phonemic accuracy .
12 The researchers suggest that victims would benefit from knowing that these effects are common and should discuss their feelings openly with colleagues or medical staff .
13 These cases suggest that animals can form cognitive maps .
14 Of course , I am not suggesting that women should give in to biology ( perish the thought ) , but that PMS is not quite the pathological state that a few health experts would appear to be suggesting .
15 Lord Donaldson asked if he was seriously suggesting that juries would multiply the award by 10 times .
16 I ca n't remember who or where , but I remember somebody suggesting that clubs should introduce loyalty bonuses so that players are not tempted to leave a club simply to get their hands on a fat signing on fee .
17 Thus , in a sense , classical general relativity , by predicting points of infinite density , predicts its own downfall , just as classical ( that is , nonquantum ) mechanics predicted its downfall by suggesting that atoms should collapse to infinite density .
18 But this is like suggesting that pigs might fly .
19 It should be noted however , that this advice is not to be taken as suggesting that pupils must study these four Short Courses throughout S3/4 .
20 To suggest that venues should impose restrictions on admission depending on the lifestyle of the individual is ridiculous .
21 To suggest that venues should impose restrictions on admission depending on the lifestyle of the individual is ridiculous .
22 Lord Taylor 's main point is to suggest that judges should pass sentence with an eye to the public 's expectations .
23 However , there is evidence to suggest that women may have fewer problems in adjusting to retirement than men .
24 To suggest that things might have been otherwise had important individuals or groups behaved differently is to ignore the situation within which they were acting , their perceptions of it and the traditions within which their outlook had been formed .
25 By contrast , neither party has any desire to suggest that men might do the same thing .
26 It would be pretentious to suggest that librarians can overturn the practice of censorship in non-democratic states , yet that is no reason for inaction .
27 In the first instance we can suggest that individuals will enter into organisations from a diverse range of social , economic and educational backgrounds which will give them different perspectives and different values .
28 Bargaining politics implies a clear role for politicians which may suggest that officials will occupy subordinate positions .
29 This does not suggest that schools would need to amass great quantities of pupils ' work for an audit .
30 Editor , — Otitis media with effusion is a controversial issue , as pointed out by Ruut A De Melker , but the complications of grommet insertion may have been overstated — no paper published in English suggests that grommets may cause cholesteatoma .
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