Example sentences of "since he [verb] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He admitted modestly that it was a long time since he had been at school , but one phrase he had understood was ‘ Vive la link box ! ’ .
2 Ever since he had been at high school he 'd found some enjoyment and relief by getting back at them in ways they obviously did n't expect .
3 In a postscript Dr. Yeats reported that he had subsequently seen both Dr. Thackeray and Mr. Leech who had been together since he had been with them on the previous day .
4 Mr Strachan 's acquaintance with the Library did not begin with his appointment as Chairman , since he had been for many years , as a historian and biographer , a reader in the Library 's Reading Rooms .
5 Robert had seen the development in varying stages , and had assisted in shipping out tons of building materials , but it was four months since he had been to Barbados and a lot of progress had been made since then .
6 It was a long time since he had been like this .
7 There was no hurrying them , that 's what he had learned since he had been in Baghdad .
8 It was ten years since he had been in Europe .
9 ‘ He 's made a marvellous recovery since he 's been with us in Barbados .
10 " His hair has been better since he 's been with Sarah Brightman , " confides one long-term associate , " and perhaps he developed more ofa sense of humour .
11 He has been like that for since he 's been with her he has
12 We 've already recorded all the sounds he 's heard since he 's been in the unit , of course , but this little gadget will help us to have an even more detailed record .
13 It 's just since he 's been in the flats .
14 Yeah since he 's been in the flats yeah .
15 ‘ His mental state has been very stable since he has been in hospital and there is no indication that it has deteriorated recently , ’ the spokesman added .
16 Since he has been in Deerbolt , he has passed his GCSE 's and is now trying to get a place catering college when he gets out next year .
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