Example sentences of "since [pron] can [not/n't] [be] " in BNC.

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1 Since I can not be a Russian , ’ he says , ‘ I became a Slavophil ’ — an articulator , that is , of romantic church-andstate conservatism in the debates of the time : indeed a walking , talking theory .
2 A woman I know has given me the name of a midwife who will come and otherwise I shall have to engage a nurse for the shortest time possible since I can not be without assistance when my time comes .
3 Since one can not be aware of everything , ‘ Be aware ’ will of course be unusable without tests of relevance .
4 As Jung pointed out , it is necessary for us to have a Shadow , since we can not be everything that it would be possible for us to be .
5 For where it has been drawn is everywhere ; from the insistence of Thorndike , and the early behaviourists like Watson and Hull , that all is to be explained , including human behaviour , in terms of conditioned reflexes , to the open-handedness of well-meaning liberationists like Rollin who argue that even worms and sea anemones should be given the benefit of the doubt since we can not be certain that they do not feel pain and therefore have a consciousness ( 1981 : 31 ) .
6 Since everything can not be covered in equal depth teachers need to develop the knowledge , skills and understanding required to progress through each attainment target .
7 Since they can not be planned in terms of the students ' likely destinations , they must have some other kind of rationale or logic .
8 Stocks and shares , on the other hand , are not very liquid since they can not be sold instantly at a guaranteed price .
9 Since it can not be known as a concept that will realize itself in the future , Sartre argues instead that the totality only produces itself in the moment : ‘ The incarnation as such is at once unrealizable except as totalization of everything and irreducible to a pure abstract unity of that which it totalizes ’ ( II , 58 ) .
10 I also operate with the assumption that , although my results pertain strictly only to the sample of forty housewives I interviewed , there is no reason why they should not relate to the wider population of housewives , since it can not be shown that the forty women are unrepresentative of the larger population .
11 Finally , Frankenstein said , ‘ Very well , so shall it be , since it can not be otherwise .
12 Since it can not be accountable to national Parliaments , it ought to be accountable to the European Parliament .
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