Example sentences of "bit of [noun sg] [conj] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Have a bit of decorum as befits the mother of a college student , ’ Otley said , softening his tone .
2 To head off a tantrum , try squirting a shot of washing-up liquid into a beaker , adding a bit of water and giving her a drinking straw to blow bubbles with .
3 ‘ I was always looking to join a foreign company because I speak a little bit of English and wanted to practise it .
4 Delicately readjusting her knicker elastic , May reveals that she 'll be out and about , meeting the people , sharing a bit of crack and banter with her adoring public .
5 Having cleaned her teeth , washed , put on a bit of make-up and brushed her hair , Daisy set out up the ride to Robinsgrove .
6 How must it be to tend your bit of land and sow crops and vegetables and perhaps rear animals , knowing you were building up a comfortable home and an inheritance for your children and then see your children taken and forced into slavery by the Robemaker ?
7 And if she wants to do her own bit of typing and give it to someone else sh
8 I ca n't stand husbands who come home and say ‘ Oh look you 've done nothing all day , only a bit of housework and looked after the child ’ .
9 ‘ At least you ought to show a bit of gratitude and look about you . ’
10 Speedy wo n't agree at the moment because he 's writhing in agony and there 's a little bit of retribution that followed that .
11 they have been excited for a bit of money and end up with nowt , sending you letters
12 ‘ You can still make a bit of money and enjoy yourself without ripping people off .
13 And then in the second half when there were chances at both ends … it was Villa 's coolness … experience … little bit of sparkle that won it … with Dalian Atkinson hitting the winner … 2-1 to the Villa …
14 Miss Huntley claimed to have spent the Saturday by herself in and around her flat , doing a bit of shopping and cleaning before meeting a few friends — only one of whom appeared to have an address — and going on to a party around ten o'clock at night .
15 got a bit of shopping and did various other things erm
16 ‘ Hello , Piper , you are a little bit late for a bit of breakfast but sit down and have a mug of tea . ’
17 ‘ Any bit of education or speaking I know I learned from Seth , ’ she says .
18 Sam chewed on his bit of cheese and deliberated .
19 This saves a bit of space and avoids giving a whole profile where only one characteristic is actually used .
20 Trial and error , yeah , do every bit of work that 's set .
21 and I 'm just wondering if maybe , maybe we will just have to do a wee bit of work and try and get something on the go to see if somebody will
22 Brian chewed a bit of chicken and looked as though he was about to speak , so Camille spoke again .
23 Baptiste spat out his bit of thread and laughed .
24 When , a long time ago now , Stephen had tried to call him Dad or Father and drop the babyish name , he had shouted that Stephen was all he had in the world and could n't he have a little bit of kindness and call him by the one name that meant something ?
25 It 's just a little bit of business that 's got to be done . ’
26 There might be a yachtsman come along and he 'd want a mooring , so he 'd say to my father , can you fix us up yes , get an old bit of chain and put round , put some wooden wed wedges in tighten 'em up , up , that 's his , that 's his mooring , he 'd take it somewhere in the river , have it dumped , put a buoy on it , that was , that 's like his anchor .
27 Later , he donned the vast pyjamas , switched on the television for a bit of background and settled down on the bed with the half-bottle of Jim Beam and The Book of Ultimate Truths .
28 He forked the remaining bit of sausage and dipped it into the runny egg yolk .
29 Well it would be something , it would be a bit of paper that say that I can look after children under five , I could go and run a play group or do whatever and earn some money
30 Let's have a little bit of paper and have a look at that .
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