Example sentences of "reason for [v-ing] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Most important of all was the support of two powerful groups with special reasons for wanting a Democratic victory : the blacks , encouraged by Truman 's call for an end to discrimination ; and organized labour , bitterly smarting from the Taft-Hartley Act .
2 In addition , in February 1974 , these interlocking groups had special reasons for wanting a Conservative government returned apart from the fear of a miners ' victory leading to anarchy and national bankruptcy .
3 It is sad when sisters and brothers who have been on good terms quarrel about who gets what , whether the reasons for wanting a particular item are commercial or sentimental .
4 It is worth adding , as something of an aside , that the experimental result just described not only gives reasons for preferring the associative account but also seems to demand an explanation in terms of acquired equivalence rather than acquired distinctiveness .
5 Secondly , the fiction/concession theory could have supplied an image of the company as separate and distinct from its shareholders which would also have supported the institution of limited liability , but there were strong reasons for preferring the natural-entity model of the company .
6 Charities give varying reasons for entering the Annual Report and Accounts Award , from wanting to know if their report 's overall structure is moving in the right direction , to learning from specific judges ' criticisms , but in the end , they all boil down to a desire to improve the standard of their accounts .
7 One of the principal reasons for conducting a detailed assessment of a child 's language is to determine the most effective way of helping that child .
8 The original reasons for seeking a Royal Charter remain : it would give greater status to the Association , its members and indeed the whole industry ; we would enjoy the endorsement by the Privy Council to our qualifications for membership ; recognition by the Privy Council would add weight to the Association 's opinion on issues when lobbying Government or debating with others ; our members would have the Privy Council 's endorsement of being true professionals with the opportunityfor a Corporate member to be called a Chartered Hotelier or a Chartered Caterer .
9 There are a number of reasons for breaking the existing cycle , and replacing it with a system in which people would work for so many hours a month , not necessarily as many as at present .
10 There are other reasons for using the phonological code , either before or after word recognition has been obtained , and some which go towards explaining its extensive use include : 1 allowing the generation of a memory of what has been read , 2 imposing an intonation upon the print in the service of comprehension , 3 imposing an external control on the reader 's attention to help convert the two-dimensional spatial display of text into a form appreciated by our temporally one-dimensional conscious processes .
11 If the Conservatives dismissed the British Union of Fascists without too much concern — and most could see no good political reasons for embracing the fascist faith — they could not dismiss the threat of European fascism so easily , and attempted to accommodate it instead .
12 Therefore , the enquirer who is using himself as a research instrument needs to be as aware as possible and committed to becoming more aware of his own biases , values and his reasons for holding the conceptual framework he does .
13 Reasons for organising an individual exhibition will vary from artist , as well as being influenced by the different stages of an artist 's career .
14 There are , however , two good reasons for fitting a visual deterrent :
15 The sexual revolution , which was thought to free people from feelings of sexual guilt , gave reasons for experiencing a whole new kind of guilt .
16 There could be two good reasons for buying a new car ahead of your retirement .
17 It is our reasons for asserting a dependent conditional which bring in a good deal more than what is brought in by the conditional itself .
18 While obviously the fixed charge accords superior protection , there are sound reasons for taking a floating charge .
19 The LFS asks questions about reasons for taking a temporary job , offering four responses : " because the contract included a period of training " , " because a permanent job could not be found " , " because a permanent job was not wanted " and " other/no reason " .
20 reasons for taking the general SVQ
21 The Member who wrote to express his disagreement invited Mark to the House to discuss his reasons for taking the opposite viewpoint .
22 There may be a number of reasons for keeping a personal diary .
23 There were sound technical reasons for keeping the regular cast no smaller than four .
24 Are there reasons for giving an affirmative answer to it to be found in what Wittgenstein says ?
25 It may of course turn out that there are after all good independent reasons for respecting the intuitive judgements which come from long experience .
26 Students with religious or other reasons for following a special diet are strongly advised to apply for one of the self-catering accommodation options .
27 To examine the reasons for studying a particular subject .
28 In particular , it is important that the reasons for continuing a difficult diet ( which includes expensive phenylalanine free protein substitute and other special food products , biochemical monitoring , and experienced dietetic advice ) are clearly understood in terms of the neurological risks to the patient .
29 My Lords , I have come to the conclusion that , as a matter of law , there are sound reasons for making a limited modification to the existing rule ( subject to strict safeguards ) unless there are constitutional or practical reasons which outweigh them .
30 Since we are going to discover other reasons for rejecting the tripartite definition , we have no reason to pursue this point here .
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