Example sentences of "reason [prep] this [is] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 One of the main reasons for this is undoubtedly economic .
2 One of the fundamental reasons behind this is simply a lack of competition experience , and that 's why regional leading contests like the Yorkshire and North East Indoor Climbing League are so important .
3 The reason for this is easily appreciated ; it originates in the widely known fact that the superego ( and , to a lesser extent the ego ) possesses the notable psychological property of being — figuratively speaking — partly soluble in alcohol !
4 ‘ The reason for this is just that in these matters custom makes us reason and judge so quickly , or rather we recall the judgments previously made about similar things ; and thus we fail to distinguish the difference between these operations and a simple sense perception ’ .
5 Its reason for this is largely to do with its distrust of the judges who , it feels , would use their power to strike down government action or legislation as being contrary to a Bill of Rights , as the American courts can do , to promote their own conservative values .
6 The reason for this is largely to do with SCSI hard drives and the need for double buffering — see info box .
7 The reason for this is probably that the fields are situated on top of upthrown fault blocks .
8 One reason for this is probably that subjects who were not told the overall theme of the passage until the end were able to draw on their knowledge of similar stories which they had heard before .
9 The reason for this is so that the recipient can see at a glance what the letter is about .
10 Now if you notice Carol 's movements , they are always in a an upward direction and the reason for this is so that you do n't drag the skin , so when you 're whatever you 're doing with your face , whe , when you 're cleansing , toning , and moisturize , always try and keep the movements going up because you do n't want to stretch the face , you do n't want to make any any loose skin any looser than it is
11 The reason for this is essentially because the materials employed on nuclear construction are more costly — layers of thick stainless steel , intricate computerized systems , for example — and the design far more complex .
12 The reason for this is essentially that if expectations are rational , the government has an incentive to ‘ cheat ’ on its monetary rule which it does not have under other forms of expectations formation .
13 The reason for this is fairly obvious ; when people are confused and insecure ( as many Catholics are especially today ) it is incumbent on all of us who teach and preach ( in whatever capacity ) to have a proper respect for the needs and weaknesses of those who may be listening .
14 The reason for this is very simple — you ca n't see it .
15 The reason for this is very simple ; the anterior deltoid is brought into play with nearly all chest exercises and is therefore always being trained more than the other heads .
16 The reason for this is very simple .
17 The reason for this is quite simple : language constantly changes .
18 The reason for this is quite simple .
19 The reason for this is quite simple .
20 The reason for this is quite simply that these aspects of deixis mostly make no difference to truth conditions .
21 The reason for this is quite clear .
22 The reason for this is quite straightforward .
23 One reason for this is undoubtedly the fact that many of those who are attracted to homoeopathy are well content just to treat patients as they present , and do not have the expertise or the scientific bent of mind required to design and carry out clinical trials .
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