Example sentences of "before [pron] could get [art] " in BNC.

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1 Taff continued talking in his very strong Welsh accent as he inspected the Bren , asking questions and giving himself the answers before I could get a word in .
2 It was minutes before I could get a word in .
3 Sometimes , when he had been sitting near the side of the boat , an ill-considered back cast sent him flying into the water ; and often it was a close run thing before I could get the landing net under his sodden frame .
4 Jackie was about to say well I 'll see you then tomorrow and before she could get the tomorrow out I says about Thursday , alright ?
5 William Cooper , for example , suggested that for his contemporaries , ‘ the Experimental Novel had got to be brushed out of the way before we could get a proper hearing ’ ( in Rabinovitz 1967 : 7 ) , and C. P. Snow explained in 1958 that :
6 Only before we could get a team out to intercept them she disappeared . ’
7 Er the most interesting case erm , I remember was a chap who erm having completed his course erm joined the R A F and erm he was missing at Dieppe when they had the rather abortive attempt at landing at Dieppe during the war and er , but he was never erm posted as as erm having died and erm it was years afterwards , it was in the nineteen fifties in fact before we could get the Department of Education to agree to the loan being written off because erm obviously he was , by that time he had to be assumed as
8 Stephen opened his mouth to express his thanks but before he could get a word out , Jonadab spoke again .
9 She broke away before he could get a stranglehold and made her way to the podium , hitching up her dress and putting on her very best smile for the tridvid sages .
10 He even tried to reload fast enough to have another crack at it , but it thumped into the wet heather near the river before he could get the shell into the gun .
11 But just before he could get the words out , she begged him to do her a tremendous favour .
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