Example sentences of "face as [pers pn] [vb past] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Carrie felt sad when she saw the worried looks on their faces as they sat talking quietly , their hands cupped around mugs of steaming hot tea .
2 Silas 's scowl remained on his face as they continued to walk along the track .
3 A POLICEMAN was kneed in the groin and another punched in the face as they tried to break up brawling schoolgirls at a railway station .
4 Because the fingers within her own warm hands ceased to flutter agitatedly , a brief smile flickering over the other girl 's pale face as she seemed to drift off into a more comfortable , easy sleep .
5 Lindsey lay for a few seconds , battling with a sense of disorientation , one arm flung over her face as she tried to remember where she was .
6 Colour flooded her face as she tried to struggle to her feet , desperate to evade the hand that was stretched towards her .
7 Thinking of the provocatively slow way she might later take off her shiny red boots , dark hair falling down over her placidly unconcerned face as she bent to remove them , thinking of the longer , slower flow of her otherwise quick young body as she discarded her clothing bit by bit and turned with a sudden smile of submission towards his already rumpled bed , he was also holding in to himself and caressing within himself the glass-cased ideal of a woman — a Princess — who could be worshipped without being touched by bonily clutching fingers , who could transform him without being stickied by any of his bodily fluids .
8 His hand cupped her face as he seemed to delve into her soul .
9 Fran drew back as though he had struck her , her face going pale as she saw the amusement on his face as he continued to study her .
10 Antoine 's brown eyes lost that blind unfocused look ; she noticed a faint smile wander over his face as he began to see more clearly .
11 " Well , " Mr Smith began , a pained expression on his face as he turned to look at Grout again , " if that 's the way you really feel , Steve … "
12 She also got quite a shock when she saw his face as he turned to look at her on film .
13 Meredith watched the struggle on the man 's face as he tried to control his wayward mouth , and wondered why he did n't want to grin when he was so obviously amused by her cheek .
14 I can still see his grinning face as he tried to chase me .
15 ‘ Every time , I just see his grinning face as he tried to chase me , ’ she said .
16 She lay watching his face as he tried to concentrate on the complexities of the novel .
17 Apparently , the blank white space on that page matched the expression on my face as I envisaged programming the Alpha 2.0 unaided .
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