Example sentences of "face [prep] [noun] with a " in BNC.

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1 Jess was a mellow sort of chap until he came face to face with a light bulb
2 Joey 's used to dealing with difficult customers , but when he comes face to face with a gun-toting angry young man , it takes all his soothing charm to save the day .
3 YOU can not look at anything these days without coming face to face with a picture of a blissful couple holding a baby .
4 Zambia padded to the door , coming face to face with a wriggling Ari , still firmly in the grip of Reynard Lennon .
5 When we come face to face with a horse we often feel a need or pressure to do something .
6 These are reluctant hunters , ill at ease and inexperienced , wary lest a nervous glance could give flesh to fear — the fear of coming face to face with a cowering countryman , the fear of finding the loaded chamber in a game of Russian roulette .
7 Most people want to like art — they know it 's good for you , or at any rate looks good on you — but face to face with a great painting they feel like gate-crashers at a Mayfair reception .
8 Squirrels and martins moved in the trees , and once they came almost face to face with a boar .
9 Like a cat confronted by pigeons , or a terrier face to face with a rodent , I was ready and eager to do battle .
10 In Liddie 's case , however , it had brought her face to face with a disenchanted childhood which she had not wanted to recognize .
11 DRINK Shots into oblivion A sober Laurie Taylor comes face to face with a bloody awful drug
12 But how would the British react to being given the chance to air their views face to face with a politician ?
13 Thus he persuaded himself when writing to Theo , but not when he was face to face with a spitting hell-cat who abused him vilely , telling him to stop messing about with his stupid painting , scraping and altering it until her nerves were in shreds .
14 I was amazed when , 30 more yards up the gully , I cam face to face with a blank , moss-covered wall .
15 They 're all in there while from the generation before , we come face to face with a champion whose greatness spanned almost three decades , ‘ Pancho Gonzales ’ .
16 Turning a corner along a narrow track , I came face to face with a blustering capercaillie , as big as a turkey .
17 The old standards have decayed , the aristocracy no longer take the intellectual lead ; men of letters and booksellers are left face to face with a multitude of readers whose intellectual appetites and tastes are emancipated from all direct influence and control .
18 But suppose that he proceeds in the general direction from where he assumed by voice came and suddenly found himself face to face with a stranger who looked very similar to myself .
19 How d' you think you 're going to feel , Joey , when we come face to face with a herd of elephant or a tawny tiger out there ? "
20 Now although I am a born sceptic , suddenly being brought face to face with a seemingly identical facsimile of what I had been working on did make me pause for a few moments !
21 Now and then a circulating pirate might come face to face with a Familo thug , and there would be some ritual snarling and glaring .
22 With lots of luck I came face to face with a round face man in uniform .
23 And now she was face to face with a man who really believed her grandmother was guilty .
24 He was never happier than when watching Morse come face to face with a mystery : it vas like watching his chief tackle some fiendishly devised crossword ( as Lewis had often done ) , with the virgin grid on the table in front of him , almost immediately coming up with some sort of answer to the majority of the clues — and then with Lewis himself , albeit only occasionally , supplying one blindingly obvious answer to the easiest clue in the puzzle , and the only one that Morse had failed to fathom .
25 She could only make a calculated guess ; sheer horror at coming face to face with a former lover when the present one stood stiffly beside him .
26 Shock attack : An 80year-old woman is recovering from shock after coming face to face with a burglar who stole jewellery from her Wirral home in Spencer Avenue , Rock Ferry .
27 In Glasgow yesterday he came face to face with a cost-saving dream .
28 Charlie found he was continually spitting out mud and once even came face to face with a German who could n't blink .
29 She was standing face to face with a boy in the public park at the end of Decimus Street .
30 If a killer thinks , even if only for a split second , that it is face to face with an owl or an eagle , it is very likely to back away and this may give the harmless bluffer enough time to escape .
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