Example sentences of "right [conj] [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The church was therefore prepared to put its money where its mouth was : churchmen in Charles 's reign might complain bitterly of the economic burdens of military service and fiscal exactions borne by their particular churches , but they never questioned the right and duty of kings to impose these on the church at large in order to ensure the well-being of the Christian people .
2 It may therefore be subject to certain restrictions , but these shall only be such as are provided by law and are necessary : ( a ) For respect of the rights or reputations of others ; …
3 Citizens have recourse to the courts , administrative courts or social courts which have considerable constitutional significance in upholding the rights and entitlements of individuals as well as limiting the powers of the state ( Flamm , 1983 ) .
4 Kaynak ( 1985 , p.15 ) defines the consumer movement ‘ as a movement seeking to increase the rights and powers of buyers in relation to sellers ’ and presents a useful historical account from the first cooperative society , founded in Scotland in 1769 , to the present .
5 Freedom to manifest one 's religion or beliefs shall be subject only to such limitations as are prescribed by law and are necessary in a democratic society in the interests of public safety , for the protection of public order , health or morals , or for the protection of the rights and freedom of others .
6 However legislation regarding the rights and duties of employers and the powers , responsibilities and liabilities of trade unions , greatly affects the degree of competition in labour markets .
7 Rights and Duties of Experts
8 Duguit believed that the rights and duties of rulers and ruled could be founded on this fundamental fact .
9 The first question is whether the FSA expressly or impliedly authorises the modification of the private law rights and duties of customers and firms regulated by SROs or the SIB .
10 We need to reach a consensus on the legal rights and duties of citizens , and on the legal obligations of the state to its citizens .
11 Some of our members may not have got beyond the idea that women should only exercise the rights and duties of citizens locally …
12 This is not the first time that this issue has reached the public domain , or will it be the last time that the House is asked to focus on the rights and duties of citizens in circumstances — from time to time inevitable circumstances — when the interests of one individual or one set of individuals necessarily impinge on and potentially damage the interests of others .
13 The pack will target four main aims of ‘ citizenship ’ education , including law and the rights and duties of citizens .
14 The issues raised there not only go to the root of the relationships between adults and children but also raise the issue of political control in general and in particular , the rights and duties of individuals to confront a sense of injustice .
15 The rights and duties of individuals towards each other are together known as private law which in Anglo-Saxon countries , such as Britain and the United States , tends to derive from custom as incorporated by judges through time in what is known in Britain as the common law .
16 This principle is given statutory effect in s19 of the Partnership Act : The mutual rights and duties of partners , whether ascertained by agreement or defined by this Act , may be varied by the consent of all the partners , and such consent may be either express or inferred from a course of dealing .
17 ( a ) Under the Partnership Act As already mentioned , Pt II of the Partnership Act contains certain basic provisions to regulate the rights and duties of partners in so far as they are not defined in writing or otherwise discernible in some course of conduct .
18 By far the greatest protection for consumers in Britain is provided by parliament , which in several important pieces of legislation has set up a framework in which the respective rights and duties of consumers and suppliers can be identified and clarified .
19 A law on adoption was approved ( and subsequently signed by President Yang ) and a law on the protection of the rights and interests of women was to be submitted to the full NPC in 1992 .
20 Such solutions must provide proper safeguards to protect the rights and interests of patients , their families and carers , while setting the framework for the provision of adequate and appropriate care .
21 There must be protection for the rights and aspirations of groups and communities .
22 We have been talking apples — the rights and concerns of women — while they have been talking oranges — the rights and concerns of fetuses .
23 We have been talking apples — the rights and concerns of women — while they have been talking oranges — the rights and concerns of fetuses .
24 However , the State of Emergency did not suspend other significant sections of the Statute of Rights and Guarantees of Nicaraguans .
25 Private law primarily concerns the rights and obligations of citizens against and towards one another .
26 Although there is no express reference in s 48(2) ( h ) to the civil rights and obligations of customers , it appears to envisage restrictions on common law and equitable duties of disclosure .
27 The DoH is sensitive to the charge that the Children Act has gone too far in favour of children at the expense of upholding the rights and responsibilities of parents and guardians .
28 We will extend the rights and responsibilities of prisoners along the lines recommended by the Woolf Report , and create the post of Prison Ombudsman .
29 It is not surprising that health care staff seek guidance about a syndrome where there is still considerable uncertainty , and the International Council of Nurses issued a Joint Statement with WHO in April 1987 , regarding the rights and responsibilities of nurses worldwide in caring for HIV-infected people ( ICN/WHO , 1987 ) .
30 Tunstill attacks practice guides for social workers issued by the Association of British Adoption and Fostering Agencies , for emphasising the removal of parental rights and placement of children for adoption and long-term fostering .
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