Example sentences of "appear to have [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The facts and skills in geometry , such as calculating the third angle of a triangle , are relatively trivial and appear to have little practical relevance .
2 None of the theses in the present study appear to have any paradigmatic effects on geology , but many have had accretionary effects , with evidence fitting into major syntheses , such as Craig 's ‘ Geology of Scotland ’ , ( 3rd ed , 1991 ) , and cited in that source .
3 If we concentrate only on Japan and the East Asian NICs , the choices , although somewhat inchoate between national strategies , do appear to have some common elements oriented towards re-casting the organizational and industrial relations arena in terms consonant with those which marked the 1980s revival of neo-conservative liberal analysis .
4 On a purely practical note , all this added up to quite a bit in value and Ivy Cottage did not appear to have any extra locks or catches at the windows .
5 As allopurinol did not inhibit the growth of L. casei nor interfere with the growth of experimental tumours , nor did it appear to have any other properties which made it unsuitable , it received further investigation in man .
6 The Asiaticus does not appear to have any aggressive tendencies and appears to be equally active during the day and night .
7 This would appear to have more promising implications for ‘ free living ’ observations but most of Fouts ' research on Lucy seems to have been directed towards syntax formation ; without conspicuous success ( Walker 1983 : .
8 Such a typology , and the implied differences in operational style , appears to have some general relevance .
9 This method at least appears to have some principled rationale underlying it , however , Rosch herself stresses that the basic level is not necessarily fixed ( Rosch , Mervis , Gray , Johnson & Boyes-Braem , 1976 ) , but depends both on the interaction required with the object and the expertise of the observer ( Tanaka & Taylor , 1991 ) .
10 The idea of travelling between areas to take advantage of shorter waiting times appears to have some public support as Leathard ( 1990 ) quotes a survey which suggests that 40 per cent of people would go anywhere in the country to avoid waiting for treatment .
11 The lesson , I think , there is to pick a course that will create the sort of environment in which performance can be maximised , rather than to pick something which appeared to have more vocational use , but may not be as good for the individual student as a course that he or she will enjoy .
12 After 1934 this was to be combined with the anti-semitic obsession of both ultra-conservative reactionary fascism and racial nationalist traditions in the BUF , despite the fact that it was expressed in slightly less virulent form and appeared to have more social roots .
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