Example sentences of "talk to he [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Just to talk to him for a few minutes …
2 Or one of us would rush into the dressing room just before curtain-up and tell Terry there was someone who urgently needed to talk to him on the phone .
3 I used to talk to Him on the wireless — still do sometimes .
4 And I have to talk to him on the phone and I 'm saying speak to him very well .
5 to know , we do n't say , had to talk to him through the Christmas presents it was lovely .
6 She was living with her boyfriend as she had for the last eight years and the hospital team were quite happy to talk to him about the proposed care plan for her .
7 Now , just when she was bursting to talk to him about the job , he was going to be less than forthcoming .
8 She would have to talk to him about the flowers and the salmon .
9 He had asked her to talk to him about the things that troubled her , but she could not .
10 It took many months more for me to feel safe enough to talk to him about The Fat Controller , but there came a time , when the memory of our last vertiginous encounter had dimmed , that I became prepared to risk it .
11 Anne claimed Joe to talk to him about the books she had read and all that had happened to her since he went away , and Terry and Stephen wanted to talk to him about football and their latest craze , greyhound racing .
12 Susan had tagged a uniformed cop on the beat ill the distance , and guessed she would n't want to talk to him about the corpse .
13 Perhaps she would get the chance later to talk to him about the ledgers .
14 He tries to persuade the children to talk to him about the things they feel they ca n't discuss with the staff .
15 Mrs James seemed to talk to him by the hour , in the middle of the night , sometimes , he believed , and so did the children .
16 She wanted to talk to him in a way she had never wanted to talk to anyone before , but he was next door , not here .
17 I only came across the 1936 front page because it was hanging framed on the right-hand wall of old Pierre Gemayel 's office when I went to talk to him in the summer of 1982 in east Beirut .
18 He 's so bloated and , I mean I have n't seen him , I said I 've , I 've talked to him on the phone .
19 On the latter 's arrival , they had talked to him for a while and then he had gone off with them .
20 I found one guy and talked to him for a while on tape .
21 He had never been close to his son , Mark 's father , but had doted on his grandson and had often talked to him of the old Russia .
22 you , er , it had happened because I had been , I had had a lot of training and a lot of swindles and thing , I was able to talked to him and I talked to him for an hour and a half er , I was curious for one thing to find out why he was , he , he was breaking into people 's houses , so that the fact that he was doing it for , to , to get money for drugs
23 Mr Massey , who had joined the group in 1985 and ended up as group finance director , recalls the early stages : ‘ When Anthony Jacobs mentioned selling , I talked to him about the possibility of an MBO .
24 And we talked to him about the Intercity erm presentation requirements , and sent him away to think about it .
25 I talked to him after a recent gig in Manchester ( which saw Robben playing with Roscoe Beck on bass and drummer Tom Brechtlien ) and asked him about his new album .
26 She was afraid that he would wake Peter if she talked to him in the hall .
27 On the other hand , talk to him about a book — like one that Gordon Jackson lent him — and he would go overboard about it . ’
28 We talk to him about the inner turmoil he had been feeling during his long drought and about his high hopes for the future .
29 I talk to Gog about rain , I talk to him about the AOL , but he never listens .
30 I mean , if you 'd been talking to him during the lesson he 'd say , well , if you want to talk about it , leave it till after the lesson .
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