Example sentences of "talk to [pron] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Well , as a chemist perhaps you 'll forgive me for dwelling largely on what we as chemists do , but of course it 's not only the chemists in the School of Chemistry and Molecular Sciences who do things for schools — it 's right across the area — but each year , for example , we have a week set aside for sixth form visits , in which parties of sixth formers come to the School and we 're about to talk to them about university entrance , about what goes on in universities , but , most importantly , to show them some of the apparatus which they do n't have at school but which they 've probably heard about .
2 And sometimes , leaving his office , he would close his door in such a way that there seemed to be something or someone intriguing behind it , as Richard Miller noticed when he went to talk to him about banking for the contras ; it was deliberately stage-like , impressive .
3 The assistant headteacher agreed to see him every day , on an informal basis , to get a chance to talk to him about home , family and school and to offer support where possible .
4 You will want to talk to him about home , and he has things to ask you .
5 Anne claimed Joe to talk to him about the books she had read and all that had happened to her since he went away , and Terry and Stephen wanted to talk to him about football and their latest craze , greyhound racing .
6 I mean , please Quincx , I want to talk to him in person .
7 She once reported to Robert Landgrebe , marketing manager , in a voice of genuine shock that she had just been on an aeroplane with three accountants ‘ and do you know , they tried to talk to me about design ’ .
8 He later explained his reasons in English Farming , and Why I Turned It Up ( 1894 ) in the preface to which he wrote : ‘ I can remember the time when people used to talk to me about farming and explain how I ought to go about it .
9 Well I thought you were going to talk to me about Christmas presents .
10 ‘ I could see the alcohol taking effect ; he became so excited that he began to talk to me in Italian .
11 He used to talk to her in English with an Italian accent .
12 Usually he never bothered to talk to her in bed , but this was what real lovers did , told each other their fears and worries , confided in each other , helped each other .
13 If you would like a free set of fact-sheets or any other information , or would like to talk to someone about toxoplasmosis , please contact :
14 I had one of your chaps here this morning asking questions but I wanted to talk to someone in authority . ’
15 Speaking low so that Midge could not hear , John said : ‘ I have to talk to someone in authority .
16 ‘ The answer that we received was that to talk to us on film would be voyeurism at its worst .
17 ‘ The answer that we received was that to talk to us on film would be voyeurism at its worst .
18 ‘ The answer that we received was that to talk to us on film would be voyeurism at its worst .
19 A kind and intelligent psychiatrist ( one of the few we ever saw outside the hospital ) came to talk to us about schizophrenia — the most feared mental illness of all .
20 Many firms will visit the university or college where you are studying to talk to you about training with them and many others will provide information about themselves .
21 The introduction is good afternoon ladies and gentlemen my name is I 'd like to talk to you about flying and I hope to persuade you to come along on Saturday and take part in some flying .
22 Give this message to others in a brief , clear way : ‘ I need to talk to you about office manning ’ ; ‘ I do n't want to go away this weekend ’ .
23 We are quite prepared to talk to anyone in confidence
24 He 's talked to me from time to time .
25 Men had always talked to her about need , and about love as well , but in a voice that did n't differentiate the two .
26 If he could have talked to her in Italian it would have been different , but his correct English , which he had learned from his mother who had had an English governess , and which he only ever spoke with her friends or on a case that required it , was of no use to him now .
27 We 've talked to them at length
28 ‘ I saw Earth Commander some minutes ago and talked to him about rain , ’ Zadak said quietly .
29 OVER the 40 years I have talked to you at Christmas I have often spoken of the role Britain plays throughout the world .
30 He talked to her on condition she quote only " court sources , not him directly .
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