Example sentences of "able [verb] up [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If it rains , do you think that doll will be able to sit up under the hood of the pram ?
2 That 's what made us play up , people just sitting there , not able to go up to the STU [ occupational therapy ] because there was n't enough officers or staff to take us .
3 Kinnock improved his image most on being energetic and decisive but actually lost ground on being able to stand up to the USSR , reflecting perhaps the consequences of his ‘ dad 's army ’ interview with David Frost .
4 On being able to stand up to the USSR , Thatcher scored 80 per cent in the precampaign week , easing to 79 per cent in the last fortnight of the campaign .
5 In the longer term the Palestinian Agricultural Relief Committees tried to help individual farmers to eke out an adequate living , encourage the organization of small farmers at the village level , and foster the growth of a farming structure better able to stand up to the rigours of occupation than the present one in which middlemen and large landowners dominated agriculture .
6 Since this high work of fracture — which makes trees able to stand up to the buffetings of life and which makes wood such a useful material — can not be accounted for by any of the recognized work of fracture mechanisms which operate in man-made composites , George set out to find out what was really happening .
7 A Japanese-led bloc of Asian nations would be militarily and economically secure , and able to stand up to the threat posed by the nations of Europe and by the United States .
8 People in my trade are supposed to be able to help , but I 've only been able to come up with the old platitude : ‘ Do n't buy a £500 car from a dealer because you 'll only get £100 worth of vehicle — the rest will be profit . ’
9 Cellini may not be able to come up with the goods .
10 Set up a lab like mine and run the same experiments , and anyone should be able to come up with the same results , for they do not depend on excessively mysterious skills or tricks , and science is after all , in the words of its most passionately admiring philosophers , public knowledge .
11 However , its subsidiary , Barclays Direct Mortgage Services , was able to come up with the sums in a matter of days .
12 Well I think there 's every chance that it will get the go-ahead er I mean obviously er there are money restraints but I 'm sure that the District Council will be able to come up with the appropriate amount .
13 And so we 're able to , to , once we 've found which birds er have arrived , picked a nest and er have laid eggs , we put a careful watch on them and then we 're able to tot up at the end of the breeding season , how many young have actually fledged .
14 In fact , one of Ramsay 's greatest achievements was in the atmosphere he was able to conjure up through the depiction of materials .
15 As Timothy West tells it , this was a moment as chilling as any Ken was able to conjure up in the theatre .
16 After the seventh war with the Turks ( 1714–18 ) the Venetians were able to advance up to the present Bosnian border , taking in the whole of Sinjsko Polje and Imotski .
17 If she could make her way along to the right ladder , she would be able to climb up to the painted clouds high overhead .
18 Nicholson became a member of an elite group of chemists — the B-Club — in whose company he was able to keep up with the activities of Hofmann and his associates .
19 Dad , as a master-tailor during the '14 –'18; war , had a War Department contract for army uniforms , and so we were able to keep up with the Jones 's ( or should I say , the Cohens ? ) .
20 A young wildebeest is able to run almost as soon as it is born , for it must be able to keep up with the other wildebeest when they flee a predator .
21 Because the elite , through their superior wealth , are better able to live up to the so-called modern values , which are all the more costly to support because of their external source , they are further differentiated from the poor .
22 I wo n't be able to wake up in the morning !
23 The temporary monopoly provides , before the fact , the assurance that if the search for a new discovery is successful the inventor will be able to cash up after the fact .
24 Northern Ireland people will now be able to check up on the levels of ozone , nitrogen dioxide and sulphur dioxide from data compiled in monitoring stations throughout the province .
25 RESIDENTS in the Rock Ferry area of Birkenhead will be able to check up on the latest developments in health care at a special health awareness day .
26 ‘ … a more meaningful and relevant physical geography may emerge as the product of a new generation of physical geographers who are willing and able to face up to the contemporary needs of the whole subject , and who are prepared to concentrate on the areas of physical reality which are especially relevant to the man-oriented geography It is in the extinction of the traditional division between physical and human geography that new types of collaborative synthesis can arise . ’
27 ‘ Making ten films is truly boring , ’ he says ‘ If I had worked continuously with the same cameraman , I would n't have been able to get up in the morning .
28 And all his working life his mind was set on when he retired , instead of down doing it , you know , late at night he was going to be able to get up in the morning and do it .
29 Mr Gray said : ‘ On that basis , it is very alarming that £75 million is being top-sliced from the level of consents and only if these sums are achieved will local government be able to spend up to the figure of £628 million . ’
30 After Mr Tipping discarded the throw-away chute , he went into free-fall and was able to link up with the cameraman at 5,000ft .
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