Example sentences of "stand up and [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Nobody stands up and says that we should n't be in the business at all , we should get rid of all of them , so all the argument about how many .
2 Pitt stands up and asks if I want a full tour of the house .
3 Talking about privatising the National Health Service and opting out of the National Health Service is not actually very helpful because people do n't believe that , they do n't believe it 's er N H S P L C. They do not , it is not a British Gas , it is not a British Telecom , they know it 's not and it devalues your argument if you talk of it in those terms , and it allows Waldergrave to stand up and to renounce and reject your statements and weaken your case .
4 Unless Opposition Members are prepared to stand up and pledge that they will meet the costs of every private home , no matter how high and heavy , our proposals for 1993 will overtake most of their objections , and I am grateful to have had the opportunity to respond to the debate .
5 he 's one of these men who stand up and talk whether they 've got anything to say or not you know at at meetings
6 Stand up and see if you can spell between .
7 But I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up and decided that maybe I 'd better not say too much in front of the stranger .
8 We can not have a fair society , we can not have equality , West Belfast can not be working when the women of West Belfast are treated in that way — and when the women do stand up and fight and say ‘ we are not going to put up with this any more ’ , what happens is they then become threatened by the privatisation of their jobs .
9 Is Councillor gon na stand up and say that he believes in the right of people to join Trade Unions ?
10 Then , seeing the hinged clouds fold down to reveal God and all His angels , the wife would look once and look again and stand up and point and clutch her apron to her mouth …
11 He turned his head lazily and smiled before standing up and explaining that as it was Good Friday his mother had gone to church with some old friends and was likely to have dinner with them as well .
12 It 's a pity you do n't feel like standing up and racing cos it 's lovely .
13 If the Prince of Wales had not stood up and spoken as he did that day , the government might have remained entrenched on the subject for considerably longer than it was .
14 Mrs talked about four , we 've actually agreed that there should be more homes on the list than four er for prospective refurbishment and Mr has stood up and protested that he did not produce the figures , but Professor still says you will produce figures for this and you will produce figures for that , none of us do that we all get our figures from the same place but we all get inconsistent figures .
15 The shop steward then stood up and asked whether the management would be so kind as to tell him which men would be involved so that he could inform their wives now . ’
16 The most constructive move was when Linda Bellos stood up and announced that she thought that the group was a complete waste of time unless it had power , and to have power it would have to be a Council Committee with the right to interfere in all other committees .
17 Thousands of school children , all of them well over sixteen , were crammed there into a large tall gilt room , and told not to insult the French , not to talk to Arabs , and not to go to Montmartre : then an English lady stood up and said that Paris had always been for her a source inépuisable de something , and everyone clapped , and then they were all turned out again , rather quickly , for the room was clearly needed for something else .
18 Yet he then stood up and said that he would be making a statement in the valleys tomorrow .
19 The tiger stood up and stretched and began his pacing again , back and forth , on and on .
20 That 's why I stood up and shouted when the homes were to be closed .
21 ‘ I say , ’ the Times reader stood up and dithered while Kelly took a firmer hold of Broom-Parker 's bristling moustache .
22 Sweeney has no sooner stood up and shaved than he appears in a vision of reversion taking the form of the second parenthesis , the importance of whose material strains against the parenthetical format , guiding our reading of the poem :
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