Example sentences of "stand up [conj] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Then she stands up and crosses to the other armchair .
2 He stands up and taps on the table for silence , intending to announce this new discovery , in the hope that it will cause yet more laughter , and increase his reputation for honesty still further .
3 GUIL stands up and looks over the audience . )
4 It seems not , for Philip Swallow immediately removes his hand , stands up and moves to the window . ’
5 He needs excellent standing balance and selective leg movements to stand up and step into the bath , and even then he may need handrails on either side for stability and safety .
6 But her assessment of my ability to stand up and shout in a crisis is pretty much a front .
7 ‘ One of the things that attracted us to him is that he is someone who is willing to stand up and speak against something that he believes is wrong . ’
8 This is the impact that a speaker has when they stand up and speak to a group of people .
9 Sarah stand up and come over here .
10 Stand up and wait for silence .
11 But if birdsong , babbling streams and chopper blades could be slung between heavy-duty percussion — they reasoned — maybe these noises would stand up as tunes in their own right .
12 She had intensive physiotherapy treatment every day on a one-to-one basis , and gradually recovered her balance , so that she could stand up and walk with some help .
13 When in the grip of writer 's block I might stand up and walk to the window and look out .
14 He makes the world stand up and speak to one .
15 And could n't stand up and went like this !
16 It is the only way the women of West Belfast are able to actually able to take on further education and if you ca n't stand up and fight for that then West Belfast is not working .
17 Surface-dwelling rodents like guinea pigs and agoutis , in contrast to their burrowing relatives , can run almost as soon as they are born , and the calves of wildebeest , born while the herd is on migration , can stand up and trot after their mother within five minutes of dropping to the ground .
18 And , quite frankly , I think that that women these days have very little time in which to indulge themselves in their own hobbies and interests , and I think women should stand up and say to the government , no you will not inflict this responsibility upon us !
19 ‘ Well , I 'll have to go in , ’ she said , standing up and slipping on her shoe .
20 And I am not really sure of it at all , she thought , standing up and looking about her .
21 I remember Trevor [ Howard ] just standing up and looking at him , mouthing a bad word and walking out of the room .
22 She tried to get out of it by standing up and stretching as if the conversation was threatening to bore her stiff .
23 I was always a sensitive child , but he beat it out of me , taught me that the only way to make your way in life is by standing up and fighting for what you want .
24 It is after Zacchaeus has stood up and said to God , ‘ Listen , sir !
25 Jade must have stood up and fell over the side .
26 He stood up but stayed behind Vanessa , his hands on her upper arms , her red hair brushing his face .
27 A little old lady was sitting by her front doorstep stroking her cat one afternoon when the cat stood up and strolled across the road towards the park .
28 They stood up and gazed across the garden .
29 I stood up and gazed at a small pile of my toys which had been thrown to one side of my cupboard .
30 I stood up and gazed along the barrel of the Bren gun and could n't help smiling to myself and thinking that Taff was at his funniest when he was annoyed about something , even though our circumstances at the moment were anything but funny .
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