Example sentences of "law which [verb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Despite the new evidence , the Virginia judiciary had refused to order a retrial of the case , partly because Coleman 's lawyer filed an appeal document one day too late , and partly because of a state law which forbade the consideration of new evidence discovered more than 21 days after the date of the original conviction .
2 Nor could he disregard the Salic Law which forbade the accession to the throne of a woman .
3 A new scar ran from the line of his jaw down into the collar of his open tunic , and Jehan guessed that Artai had broken the law which forbade the ill-treatment of captives , and he frowned .
4 There is also a somewhat vague principle in the common law which requires the majority to act fairly towards the minority ( see Clemens v Clemens Bros [ 1976 ] 2 All ER 268 , in which the facts were not unlike those outlined : the court set aside allotments of shares by the directors ) .
5 In September 1948 , a committee , chosen by the assembly , drew up the Basic Law which laid the foundation of a constitution , the main legislative body ( Bundestag ) with nearly five hundred members elected every four years , and an upper house ( Bundesrat ) of forty-five members composed of representatives of the state government .
6 His testimony later that month implicated Agamemnon Koutsogiorgas , the former Justice Minister and Minister to the Prime Minister [ see p. 36527 ] , whom Mantzouranis claimed had been the recipient of the US$2,000,000 from Koskotas which had been paid in return for his effecting the passage of a law which lifted the Bank of Greece 's control over the Bank of Crete .
7 Lee declared that the DPP 's actions would be dealt with according to the law which prohibited the advocacy of independence .
8 While it was generally considered to be almost impossible to prove bribery charges against those in receipt of such payments — the success of such a charge would require specific evidence of mutual benefit — the sums received by individual politicians were large enough to have contravened the Political Funds Control Law which restricted the size of political donations and required those over 1,000,000 yen to be registered along with the donor 's name .
9 While it was generally considered to be difficult to prove bribery charges against those in receipt of such payments — the success of such a charge would require specific evidence of mutual benefit — the sums received by individual politicians were large enough to have contravened the Political Funds Control Law which restricted the size of political donations and required those over 1,000,000 yen to be registered .
10 The analysis will also perform the more mundane task of acquainting bankers and banking lawyers with fundamentals of ocean bill of lading law which made the ocean bill a merchantable document , including landmark statutes , decisions , conventions , and contractual clauses .
11 Yet the tsar replaced Putiatin with Golovnin , appointed a commission which " conducted the most extensive investigation into the idea of a Russian university ever undertaken by the old regime " , took advice even from the liberal Professor Kavelin , and introduced a law which improved the funding of universities , gave professors a large degree of control over university affairs , maintained the principle that universities were open to all classes of the community , and allowed universities to go on dedicating themselves , first and foremost , to the study of the liberal arts .
12 There is no case in civil law which extends the egg shell skull rule beyond physical characteristics .
13 We ( along with our rival colleagues at Christie 's ) had hoped to succeed in including antiques and works of art in the clause of the new Hong Kong basic law which guarantees the exportability of certain types of financial assets after 1997 .
14 The Law Lords unanimously rejected Cheall 's application on the ground that there was no principle of law which prevented the union from relying on its own rules which also bound Cheall .
15 A law which regulates the ability of a local authority to display venereal disease posters in public places is given the same weighting as a law which expands the welfare state substantially through the provision of free school education or establishes a free health service .
16 Consent is represented as the critical feature of the law which ensures the patient 's right to self-determination , whereas , in fact , it is referred to and manipulated so as to produce the opposite result .
17 In fact it is best not to think of ethical positivism as a theory of natural law because this may lead to consequences which are directly contrary to those sought , namely , the appeal to ‘ higher ’ laws as a basis for disobeying positive law , and the pursuit of an external validation for the devices of positive law which posits the existence of metaphysical rules to be discovered by a process of moral inspection .
18 If a transaction satisfies these requirements , the section applies , irrespective of the situation of the property , irrespective of the nationality or residence of the other party , and irrespective of the law which governs the transaction .
19 If a Government department or Birmingham City Council enters into a contract with a building company for the construction of a block of offices , and a dispute arises , the law which governs the matter is essentially the same as it would be if the contract were between two private persons .
20 A law which regulates the ability of a local authority to display venereal disease posters in public places is given the same weighting as a law which expands the welfare state substantially through the provision of free school education or establishes a free health service .
21 You will have a proactive role to play and need to advise your employer on all new developments in legislation and case law which affect the business and the relevant support services .
22 A change in copyright law which required the deposit of software in copyright libraries might be helpful here , but it would create a major burden for librarians .
23 The smith was invoking the part of the Elizabethan Poor Law which required the parish to assist the able-bodied to work .
24 THE Government has to reform the ‘ draconian ’ legislation which can make newsagents innocent victims of the law which bans the sale of tobacco to children under 16 .
25 We have laws which prevent the killing of some wild animals ; we have the Badgers Act , we have the Protection of Birds Act .
26 He very much admired the poetry of Ebenezer Elliott , the Corn Law Rhymer , that is , a poet who helped to lead the opposition to the laws which kept the price of bread artificially high , and said ‘ None of us have done better than he has at his best ’ .
27 However , the exemption might not apply , for example , if an offer is modified so that overseas shareholders in the target are not offered consideration securities because of overseas securities laws which prohibit the offer document being posted to them ( or permit the offer to be made but subject to onerous filing requirements ) .
28 The long legislative road to Hong Kong 's lost passports Stephen Vines explains when a passport is not a passport as he unravels the laws which forbid the colony 's residents to come to Britain .
29 More and more states were adopting laws which banned the sale of alcohol .
30 Emphasis was given by the Home Office and Cabinet to the desirability of laws which banned the use of political uniforms and the establishment of paramilitary organizations , and research was concluded to see how other nations dealt with the problem .
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