Example sentences of "name [coord] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This report will provide a listing of all Design Changes which reference a particular module name or range of module names .
2 This option allows the user to generate a report of all Design Changes within LIFESPAN which reference a particular module name or range of module names .
3 Name or drawer of bill , ie. the exporter , followed by the amount in words specifying clearly the currency of the bill .
4 In Figure 5.14 , a lecturer 's qualification and department are indexed but not name or date of birth .
5 ( ba ) in the case of a recognised body which has at least one registered foreign lawyer as a director , member or beneficial owner of a share , the name or part of the name of a predecessor legal practice which was in practice at the time of the formation of the body , provided that such name consisted of the name or names of present or former principals and conventional references to such persons and to the practice ;
6 ( ba ) in the case of a recognised body which has at least one registered foreign lawyer as a director , member or beneficial owner of a share , the name or part of the name of a predecessor legal practice which was in practice at the time of the formation of the body , provided that such name consisted of the name or names of present or former principals and conventional references to such persons and to the practice ;
7 He left Wricklemarsh and its collections to his great-nephew , Sir Gregory Turner , baronet , of Ambrosden in Oxfordshire , who took the name and arms of Page in compliance with his great-uncle 's request .
8 The Labour Party , in order to distance itself from its estranged and inconsistent creator , shrouded his name and reputation with invective .
9 Please mark your card ‘ Clock ’ giving child 's name and date of birth .
10 Information about the pregnancy and delivery and about the name and date of birth of the father ( where recorded ) were abstracted from the obstetric notes .
11 I was scared because if what Quigley had said to Pikey was true and he really did n't know Mr Marr , how come he had access to his full name and date of birth ?
12 Erm can you give me your full name and date of birth .
13 During the 5 minute hearing Mr Yates spoke twice , to confirm his name and date of birth .
14 Below the name and date of demise , the following lines had been engraved .
15 Interesting , though scarcely decorative , was an early custom of writing the author 's name and title in ink on the fore-edge — a reminder of times when spines carried no information and books were often put on shelves in a way we would consider back-to-front , with the fore-edge outwards .
16 On 19 September 1882 , at a special session of the Société Industrielle de Reims , three Champagne houses — Heidsieck & Co. , G. H. Mumm & Co. and Giesler & Co. — tabled a motion to form a syndicat to defend the name and honour of Champagne .
17 [ Name and address of contact or signatory of the confidentiality agreement ]
18 Give 4 details which should appear on an order form other than the name and address of buyer and seller .
19 Some of them are automated and ask questions — such as name and address of person a letter is going to — and fill in the relevant sections — see
20 Name and address of company .
21 [ Name and address of Signatory of confidentiality undertaking ]
22 [ Name and address of Signatory of confidentiality undertaking ]
23 [ Name and address of Signatory of confidentiality undertaking ]
24 [ Name and address of Signatory of confidentiality undertaking ]
25 Remittance may be made by Access/Visa , PO or cheque ( name and address on back of cheque please ) , crossed and made payable to Ideal Home Offer .
26 Remittance may be made by Access/Visa , PO or cheque ( name and address on back of cheque please ) , crossed and made payable to Ideal Home Offer .
27 Remittance may be made by Access/Visa , PO or cheque ( name and address on back of cheque please ) , crossed and made payable to Ideal Home Offer .
28 Name and address to Dannii/WOMAN , Rm 317 , King 's Reach Tower , Stamford Street , London SE1 9LS .
29 If you are interested in this new SIG , then please send as soon as possible your name and address with affiliation to Prof S Misbah Deen , University of Keele , Staffs .
30 And they give us a , like a cheque type thing what you 've got to fill your name and address in back
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