Example sentences of "allow them [verb] [noun sg] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 We will encourage parents on income support to claim maintenance by allowing them to keep part of it before benefit is cut .
2 This allows them to choose merchandise in comfort and in relaxed and friendly surroundings . ’
3 Our informants had a well-articulated theory of the relation between ‘ work-in-school ’ and success in a life career that allowed them to see work-in-school as the first rung of their adult moral careers .
4 This allowed them to take advantage of limited liability : the owners of the shares were not liable for repaying the firm 's debts .
5 Only coal could have fuelled the growth of towns and allowed them to concentrate labour to such a degree , and in addition the canals brought building materials and food supplies .
6 The children received either a task which required them to make use of temporal order information ( the temporal task ) , or a task which allowed them to make use of causal direction information ( the causal task ) .
7 As well as gills , Bichirs have paired air bladders , which allow them to breathe air from the surface of the water .
8 Word processing and desktop publishing allow children with spelling and handwriting problems to produce high-quality results and allow them to correct work without having to rewrite it .
9 This hypothesis predicts that children will perform worse on tasks which require them to make use of information about temporal order than on tasks which allow them to make use of information about causal direction .
10 New legislation to allow them to claim interest against late payments could come into effect soon .
11 It was confirmed that a new German rapid deployment force would be available for use within NATO by 1995 , but controversy continued over a proposed amendment of the constitutional prohibition on utilization of German armed forces outside the NATO area , to allow them to take part in UN peacekeeping operations .
12 The waste-to-energy companies are pressing for financial support to allow them to take advantage of new waste management regulations due to come into force next year .
13 These pupils were not necessarily involving their parents in a conspiracy to allow them to avoid school for its own sake ; they were more likely to agree with their parents in putting home values before school values as the following quotations from two headteachers illustrate :
14 Two methods used by the smuggling firms are bribing local officials to allow them to dump waste in landfills and offering to build ( often low-quality ) incineration and energy-producing plants in destination countries in exchange for permission to burn their toxic waste there .
15 All incoming graduate students ( including non-ESRC funded students ) are expected to participate unless they have already completed a Master 's or equivalent coursework elsewhere which would allow them to claim exemption from some or all requirements .
16 The rapid expansion in the levels of information available in society also makes it increasingly important that pupils begin to develop an awareness of the wealth of information available and the skills and confidence which will allow them to make use of the information after they leave school .
17 During the Kyoto session the southern African representatives rallied around a compromise formula , which would allow them to resume trade in elephant hides and meat ( i.e. with reclassification of the African elephant to Appendix II ) but with an initial zero quota for ivory .
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